Alejandro A.D. 🇲🇽 Profile picture

Aug 17, 2021, 55 tweets


If you have +3 of these symptoms you're a certified soy

Of all the nutrients I've studied, Zinc is the one that has fascinated me the most.

From depression to shit digestion, cancer to diabetes, neurodegeneration to hypothyroidism, gut disbyosis to low testosterone, male+female infertiliy to poor skin/hair/nail/joint health...

A Zinc Deficiency is involved.

A low zinc intake CAN'T be MASKED.

Eventually you'll be Zinc Deficient and have the below mentioned symptoms, since...

Your body doesn’t has a mechanism to store zinc. You need a DAILY surplus.

🧿 In this thread, you'll discover...

- 8 Zinctoms of a Zinc deficiency

- How to fix your Zinc deficiency

- Which Zinc supplement is cringe and which one is based

- Supplement Protocol to MAX THE FUCK OUT your Zinc levels safely



This translates to low:

- Muscle Mass / Slow muscle growth
- Drive, motivation
- Libido
- Shit sleep (T is GABAergic)'

And being fat.

If you have those symptoms, you may have a Zinc deficiency.

Zinc is needed to create Testosterone.

The enzymes in red? Are zinc dependent.

Without a daily ZINC surplus, your T LEVELS aren’t as HIGH as they could be


This is not a good way

To go through life

A Zn deficient diet down regulated ZnT7, the zinc transporter to your Leydig Cells (T producing cells)...

Causing a reduction in THE ACTIVITY OF THOSE ENZYMES and Testosterone Synthesis, implying they’re zinc dependent.

In this study, 40 men followed a Zinc restricted diet for 20 weeks.

Their Testosterone levels dropped 40%.

After that, they got 30mg of Zinc for 6 months and their T levels?


BY 50%

Zinc acts as a inhibitor of aromatase, enzyme that converts Testosterone to ESTROGEN (estradiol specifically).

By far, Zinc is the most important nutrient for Testosterone.

Zinc about it 🥂


That's a Zinc deficiency. Zinc is the most critical mineral for your Immune system.

A Zn deficiency is often accompanied by...

- Allergies 🤧
- Autoimmune disorders
- High susceptibility & poor outcomes to infections 🦠
- Cancers

You see..

Your immune system is divided in 2 teams:

- Innate Immunity
- And adaptive immunity.

The Innate team's Cells are the first line of defense. They're the first cells to meet with the pathogen and eliminate it.

The Innate team’s star is the MACROPHAGE.

Macrophages EAT & kill pathogens through “Phagocytosis”. They go all in.

Turns out that without Zinc they can’t execute that process.

MMPs (matrix metalloproteinases) are zinc-dependent proteins. No Zinc = No MMP activity.

MMP12 is used during Phagocytosis.

It adheres to the pathogen's cell wall and DEGRADES it's cell membrane leading to its death.

No Zinc = Disrupted Phagocytosis

Zinc also inhibits Coronaviruses replication. When there's high intracellular zinc, the replication of Corona is low.

Zinc inactivates RNA-dependent RNA polymerase, which replicates a virus’s genetic material, once it's in the cell.…

"Zn(2+) inhibits coronavirus and arterivirus RNA polymerase activity in vitro and zinc ionophores block the replication of these viruses in cell culture"

Btw zinc has wayyy more roles in your Immune System

Without Zinc...

Your first line of defense, Macrophages, can’t do its job - kill the virus.

Coronavirus will replicate & infect your body effortlessly

And you'll keep getting sick easily

This is your wake up call to fix your nutrition and eat like a human being today.


Low Zinc levels are related with decreased fertility. Why?

Spermatogenesis is divided in III phases. Zinc is NEEDED for all III.

Zinc it's needed for Mitotic Division, Spermiogenesis, Sperm Motility and…

Zinc attaches the sperm head to the tail.

So basically your sperm and fertility is fucked without ZINC

If you're dealing with infertility, LOAD UP ON ZINC RICH FOODS and LIVER. Liver = Vitamin A bomb

Vitamin A is also IMPERATIVE for Spermatogenesis.

(Low T eventually ends in fertility issues btw)


She needs Zinc as much as he needs it.

When the sperm fusions with the egg, there's a release of zinc, known as ZINC SPARK...

Where MILLIONS of ZINC IONS are released, just to induce Egg Activation

AKA The transition of a Mature Egg into a DEVELOPING EMBRYO.

This Zinc Spark creates a protection to the Fertilized Egg from other sperms, preventing Polyspermy. This is known as "Zona pellucida hardening"

Wow. Just, wow.

Oocytes use Zinc to form a fertilization-competent egg. A ZnDef results in a meiotic block, screwing up Oocyte's maturation and quality.

This also disrupts blastocyst formation (egg's final form, binds to the uterus wall)

Both Male & Female fertility are fucked without Zinc.


First, Homage .@Grimhood and .@ck_eternity_.

They're masters on this and a topic. If you've been dealing with anxiety, follow & read them.

You'll heal with their help.

Now, Zinc is also IMPERATIVE to heal from Anxiety.

G.A.B.A. and Glutamate. Two decisive neurotransmitters in anxiety. I refer to GABA as the “off” switch and Glutamate as the “on” switch of your brain.

Glutamate triggers NEUROEXCITATION by letting Calcium get into the neuron. Calcium has a positive charge, so...

.It increases the neuron's electrical charge.

This accelerates neurotransmission. It turns "on" your brain.


Is Glutamate's total opposite.

GABA lets Chloride get inside your neurons - a negatively charged mineral, so decreases neuronal electrical charge = slows down neurotransmission

If there’s MORE Glutamate than GABA? You'll have the next symptoms:

Here's where Zinc comes in:

Zinc INHIBITS NMDA Receptors activation (Glutamate Receptors) through binding to the NR2 subunit.

When there's excess Glutamate activity, Zinc is released into the synapse to INACTIVATE NMDA receptors, to STOP Glutamate activity and neuroexcitation.

No matter how much Glutamate tries to activate NMDA now, when Zinc binds to NR2, NMDA receptors won't get activated.

Hence, Glutamate won't excite the neuron and anxiety will cease.

It doesn't stops there:

Zinc INHIBITS the group I metabotropic Glutamate Receptors (mGluR1).

When Glutamate activates its NMDA receptors, mGluR1 is RESPONSIBLE of releasing intraneuronal Calcium to aid in Glutamate's excitation.


Zinc by decreasing the Calcium availability reduces Glutamate EXCITATIVE FUNCTION.

In other words

Zinc controls anxiety. Fascinating.

If you've been dealing with Anxiety, adding more Zinc is essential.

6. If you have HYPOTHYROIDISM...


The Thyroid Hormones (THs) are T4 and T3.

T3 is the active form of TH, as T3 binds to Thyroid Hormone Receptors with greater affinity than T4

However, T3 is synthesized FROM T4 - thanks to the "1,5′-deoidinase" enzyme: catalyzes T4 to T3 conversion.

Guess fucking what mate


Without Zinc, Active Thyroid Hormone (T3) isn’t created.

Zinc is also needed to synthesize Thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH).

If your THs are low? Your hypothalamus will release TRH.

TRH then stimulates the release of Thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), which releases Thyroid Hormones.

But without TRH?

Your body CAN'T release TSH, PRODUCE Thyroid Hormones & maintain a healthy Thyroid.

So your Thyroid crashes without Zinc.


Of ALL your tissues, the skin has the THIRD highest zinc concentration.

You see...

Zinc is the skin's anti-inflammatory.

It CONTROLS production of Inflammatory Cytokines in Keratinocytes (skin cells), namely:

- TNF-a.
- IL-1b
- IFN-y
- ICAM-1

When you have ACNE, skin inflammation is ultra fucking high. Zinc will REDUCE that inflammation, hence, it'll help you heal from acne and have the skin you desire.

Likewise, several types of...


Are recognized as Inflammatory and Autoimmune diseases, triggered by IFN-y-Cytotoxic T cells in the skin

Skin Inflammation = destroyed hair.

And what controls skin inflammation?


There are several clinical trials showing that Zinc supplementation fixes hair loss, like this one:…

And overall hair loss patients have significantly lower zinc in their hair than healthy-hair patients

This mineral is also IMPERATIVE for WOUND HEALING. So if you still have Acne Scars, it could be a Zinc deficiency.

Also white spots in your nails is a big symptom of zinc deficiency. Look at your nails.


If you've been dealing with any of these Zinctoms...

Load up on Zinc rich foods, shown below.

It's common to have a deficiency, since zinc rich foods like Oysters, Organs, Seafood, Red Meat, Eggs are not consumed enough/demonized and...

Antinutrient rich foods (veggies, grains, legumes, nuts) are pushed and categorized as "Essential". Couldn’t be further from the truth.

Antinutrients inhibit nutrient absorption or DEACTIVATE nutrients - like Tannins, found mainly in ☕️, inactivate Thiamine (B1).

Grains, Legumes & Nuts have a high content of Phytic Acid & Oxalates, both inhibit zinc absorption.

It's as important to avoid these foods as it is to eat the zinc rich foods. Zinc about it.


- Caffeine, Coffee and Nervous System Stimulants
- Alcohol
- Inflammatory foods (i.e. Seed Oils)
- Stress
- Anti-nutrient rich foods

All deplete zinc. Remove them today. Or stay being a certified soy.

(higher inflammation = higher zinc demand)

Now, There are several ways to MAXX the fuck up your Zinc status healthily

- 1 Ribeye per day (average ribeye is 300g = +20mg Zinc)
- 1-3 oysters per day. (1 oyster = +12mg Zinc)
- Liver 2-3 days per week (Copper balance)
- Daily seafood consumption
- +8 eggs per day

As you see, there's no need to use a Zinc supplement if your nutrition is on point. However, if you get...

- Sick 🦠
- Injured
- Drunk
- Diarrhea
- Insomnia

Then a Zinc supplement can help.

Also if you have Diabetes, Neurological disease (depression/anxiety included) and literally any organ disease, then a Zinc supplement can help too.

The best zinc supplement is Zinc Bisglycinate (homage Thorne)

Do NOT add one if you can get enough from food.

If not planned properly, prolonged zinc supplementation will end in Mineral Imbalances (zinc depletes copper) causing:

- Gray Hair
- Fatigue
- Nausea
- Brain fog (neuroinflammation)

So, here's a Zinc Protocol for you.

Supplement 20-40mg Zinc Bisglyinate 3-4 days per week (start lower end in both)

Zinc bisglycinate is 6% Elemental Zinc. So in 20mg you have 12mg of Zinc, in 40mg you get 24mg of Zinc and so on.

After each day of supplementation, get 4mg of Copper through food to balance it.

Get zinc with a meal. Ideally with lunch.

All minerals need an acidic environment (stomach acid) to get absorbed, if you get them with a meal, their absorption will be ideal.

Zinc in a empty stomach causes nausea for this reason, it needs stomach acid so it triggers a release.


Apply this and stop being a certified soy. Ngl this thread originally included 16 zinctoms.

Zinc has so many imperative roles in your body, I could talk about it the whole day.

I'll do more threads on zinc. Stay tuned.

Now, do you realize how MOST health issues can be solved just by fixing your nutrition and lifestyle?

Realize that, if you're ill, you don't have a medicine deficiency, most of the time you'll have a shit lifestyle AND nutrition that causes it

Search the pathophysiology of your disease. Then how nutrition, lifestyle, light & micronutrients affect it. Connect the dots now.

Your body can heal from anything

I'm uploading exclusive content to Patreon, join today to gain mastery of your mind, gut, sleep & athletic performance. Get early access to my threads & a discount on my very first course VAMOSSSSSSSS


Lmao that was a long thread

Spread the word hermanos letsgooooooo

See ya, if you have questions don’t hesitate on asking me

Fuck forgot to add the zinc rich foods

Here they are

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