Andy Kopsa 🇨🇿🇺🇸 Profile picture
Iowa farm kid now NYer words: NYTimes, FP, Atlantic, Cosmo, Al Jazeera, Guardian, Playboy, etc. My tweets = gospel - Jsem češka a američanka

Aug 18, 2021, 10 tweets

1/1 I want to be clear: Iowa passed a LAW prior to @IAPublicHealth and @IADeptofEd and @IAGovernor signed attestations on June 7 (most recent filed with DOE) that there were actual mitigation strategies in place

2/2 I - along with many others have been shouting this from our journalistic rooftops…

3/3 Including:

4/4 - Good Grief and THIS…

5/5 @IAGovernor and @IAPublicHealth Pedati

6/6 May 20 -- the no mask law was signed @PatGrassley @SenJoniErnst echoed Qanon lies, and @JeffShipley77 who is apparently magnatized called vaccination requirements "medical rape" -- I'll let that one sit with you...

7/7 At last night's Ankeny School Board meeting "quarantine" is not an allowable term under @IAPublicHealth and @IADeptofEd directives.
ALL are counter Iowa's plan submitted for approval on June 7

8/8 -- the link to this plan:…

9/9 link to certification…

10/10 from Sec'y Cardona's press release re: Iowa's dedication to safely reopening schools based on the plans Iowa submitted.

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