1/1 I want to be clear: Iowa passed a LAW prior to @IAPublicHealth and @IADeptofEd and @IAGovernor signed attestations on June 7 (most recent filed with DOE) that there were actual mitigation strategies in place
6/6 May 20 -- the no mask law was signed @PatGrassley@SenJoniErnst echoed Qanon lies, and @JeffShipley77 who is apparently magnatized called vaccination requirements "medical rape" -- I'll let that one sit with you...
7/7 At last night's Ankeny School Board meeting "quarantine" is not an allowable term under @IAPublicHealth and @IADeptofEd directives.
ALL are counter Iowa's plan submitted for approval on June 7
Mini 🧵- When @KimReynoldsIA and @PatJGarrett start talking about all the wonderful things Iowans are getting through her administration remember @IowaGOP voted against the following: 1/7
If you are an Iowan and have gotten:
- $1400 stimulus
- PPP funds
- Millions and millions in ARPA grants to counties, municipalities, etc.,
Democrats (like @RepCindyAxne) made those things happen.
Unless you are an owner-operator small farmer, a woman who has to drive an hour to deliver a baby, need child care, work at Tyson in Waterloo, are a Black person/person of color, LGBTQ+ or a kid struggling with mental health issues in Fairfield and I can go on.
A reporter targeted by a county prosecutor
A small businessperson trying to make it in a town of 400, a woman farmer who wants to get started but cannot access loans because WOMAN, Iowa School Teacher, school-kid, disabled adult - or child....
@PatJGarrett or a school board member having your life and family threatened by Kim Reynolds QMom buddies, need transportation to get to a place of business but cannot afford it, need telehealth, broadband (hello 2006 Iowa is still wondering WTF)
1/1 I would go further however and point to the entire section the plan Iowa submitted to the @usedgov that attested to quarantine guidelines, masks, and testing through @IAPublicHealth and ESSER funds
1/1 This one goes out to @PatJGarrett the spokesperson for @IAGovernor because this is how the current administration in Iowa works. They only respond when pushed out into the glowing light of Twitter.
2/2 I live in NYC currently. I am from the great state of Iowa - home of Tom Harkin, Gov. Robert "Iowa Will Take All The Refugees" Ray, and HRH Cloris Leachman (a fellow Czech) - from a farm in the middle of Grundy County in Iowa's #IA04
3/3 NYC was one of the earliest epicenters of the pandemic. A decision was made to shut down the city overnight. What does that mean and how does it differ from "lockdown"? Here's lockdown in one of my favorite places on earth #Cambodiaabc.net.au/news/2021-04-3…
🧵thread @justiceseeker78 has brought to all our attention something which is critically important to understand: there are no coincidences. That a recent arrest of a Trump campaign worker and former @FRCdc worker was arrested for allegedly taking part in the Jan 6 insurrection
I have written about FRC and their global reach for almost a decade. This includes the Family Leader of Iowa, formerly Iowa Family Policy Center a branch of right wing hate group FRC. Here are some of the stories I have written over the years about this very group:
They got federal funding and funneled it to anti-Varnum efforts: