Billy Corben Profile picture
Florida Man

Aug 18, 2021, 6 tweets

Miami cop reprimanded last year for voting in uniform while wearing “Trump 2020 No More Bullshit” mask is now relieved of duty and under investigation for allegedly making “white power” hand gesture in pic with fellow officers #BecauseMiami:…

Miami Fraternal Order of Police President Tommy Reyes says, "This [photo] was meant to be private between him and his SIX guys," claiming the finger gesture was referring to the number of colleagues on the officer’s shift, not white power. #BecauseMiami

The full photo contained 7🖐️✌️officers — not 6. #BecauseMiami

UPDATE: @MiamiFOP has emailed @MiamiPD Chief @ArtAcevedo demanding he apologize and reinstate the officer suspended for allegedly making “white power” hand gesture and circulated a pic of the chief making similar gesture #BecauseMiami

UPDATE: @MiamiPD Chief @ArtAcevedo says he threw up the hand gesture, known as the "Tre" sign, to represent Houston's Third Ward when he attended a George Floyd memorial there last year at Jack Yates High School…

Miami Police Chief @ArtAcevedo previously led the Houston PD — the hometown of Beyoncé, who has popularized the “Tre” sign to represent the Third Ward

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