Billy Corben Profile picture
Oct 2, 2022 4 tweets 4 min read
Payaso Patrol: Mayor Ponzi Postalita @FrancisSuarez got called out for fleeing Miami for a ritzy fundraiser in New York City while #HurricaneIan hit Florida, so now he’s hijacking rescue resources for a pathetic performative photo opp. #BecauseMiami Last April, @CityofMiami Chief Resilience Officer quit after 11 weeks on the job; the 3rd CRO to leave since 2020. @FrancisSuarez's staff told a CRO “resilience is not a priority,” it's "too long term" with no immediate political or PR value. #BecauseMiami…
Sep 12, 2022 17 tweets 6 min read
#BREAKING: Nilo Cruz fled Cuba for freedom, graduated Miami-Dade Schools, became the first Hispanic to win the Pulitzer Prize in drama, and was inducted into the @MDCPS student Hall of Fame. Now they have banned students from seeing his play. #BecauseMiami… "I told you, my fellow Cuban Americans, that the censors would get around to us. And they have. The day after @MDCPS Board voted to suspend recognition of LGBTQ History Month, officials quietly rejected the work of one of the most prominent Cuban Americans in US cultural life."
Aug 28, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Rubio hasn’t had a real job since he babysat his brother-in-law’s cocaine stash house in 1985. His sugar daddy, Miami car oligarch and former Philadelphia Eagles owner Norman Braman, financed his entire political life and even bought him a teaching job at FIU. #BecauseMiami Background (on the cocaine stash house):…
Apr 21, 2022 7 tweets 6 min read
Florida @GovRonDeSantis recommendation for new Education Commissioner @SenMannyDiazJr is VP at state’s largest for-profit charter school company, accused of being a "pervert" and "inappropriate teacher" by former students at Hialeah Miami Lakes High School… “Manny Diaz has done a great job in the Legislature on education issues ranging from teacher pay to parental rights and choice. I am confident that he will serve our state well as the Commissioner of Education." — @GovRonDeSantis, April 21, 2022… Image
Oct 7, 2021 10 tweets 8 min read
This is why buildings fall in Miami: @MayorDaniella supports and @MiamiDadeBCC approves ANOTHER extension to airport contract with MCM, the bankrupt construction company — owned by @RepCarlos's wife's cousin — behind the FIU bridge collapse that killed 6 people #BecauseMiami /1 Here are the Miami-Dade Commissioners who voted yesterday in favor of the airport contract extension for collapsed FIU bridge builder MCM, disrespecting the victims and families of this tragic act of deadly negligence: District 2 Commissioner Jean Monestime #BecauseMiami /2
Oct 5, 2021 5 tweets 4 min read
Jury orders Miami-Dade School Board @MDCPS to pay $6 million to former student of ex-Palmetto High creative writing teacher Jason Edward Meyers, accused of harassing and sexually abusing a string of female students #BecauseMiami:… Image “The verdict found Meyers ‘posed a substantial risk of sexual abuse or harassment to female students,’ yet the @MDCPS district was ‘deliberately indifferent’ in how it handled the accusations.” #BecauseMiami
Sep 26, 2021 9 tweets 9 min read
In an 8-page memo, @MiamiPD Chief @ArtAcevedo accuses Commissioners @JoeCarolloNow @Manolo4Miami and @alexDLPmiami of a "pattern of official misconduct" including attempting to improperly influence an ongoing and confidential internal affairs investigation #BecauseMiami Chief Acevedo writes that @JoeCarolloNow has attempted to misuse @MiamiPD as his "personal enforcer against anyone he perceives as offense" including peaceful protestors he calls "agitators" and "communists" #BecauseMiami…
Sep 24, 2021 9 tweets 8 min read
Florida GOP @SenMannyDiazJr collects a six-figure annual salary from Florida's largest for-profit charter school company while legislating the destruction of public schools, misappropriating millions of tax dollars to his own employers #BecauseFlorida:… Image Florida GOP @SenMannyDiazJr slashed public school safety funds by over $11 million prior to the Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School massacre, then voted NO on a special session to address gun violence #BecauseFlorida:…
Aug 28, 2021 10 tweets 8 min read
Airport security is a joke. #BecauseMiami This was reportedly last night at @iflymia. ¿Donde esta @MiamiDadePD y @TSA?
Aug 21, 2021 8 tweets 6 min read
#RIP At least 5 South Florida law enforcement officers have died from COVID-19 in just the last 7 days: Fort Lauderdale Officer Jennifer Sepot, 27, died on Saturday August 14th. She is survived by her husband and 2-year-old daughter. /1 Florida Highway Patrol Trooper Lazaro Febles, 42, also died from COVID last weekend and was laid to rest yesterday, as was Officer Sepot. He is survived by his wife, a 6-year-old son and 5-month-old baby girl. #RIP /2
Aug 18, 2021 6 tweets 5 min read
Miami cop reprimanded last year for voting in uniform while wearing “Trump 2020 No More Bullshit” mask is now relieved of duty and under investigation for allegedly making “white power” hand gesture in pic with fellow officers #BecauseMiami:… Miami Fraternal Order of Police President Tommy Reyes says, "This [photo] was meant to be private between him and his SIX guys," claiming the finger gesture was referring to the number of colleagues on the officer’s shift, not white power. #BecauseMiami
Apr 30, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
“It’s a cult. It’s nowhere near a school": Miami Centner Academy — owned by GOP mega-donors who banned teachers from getting COVID vaccine — is "insane and dangerous," according to parents and staff #BecauseMiami:… Founders David and Leila Centner are anti-maskers who cover the school's windows "to ward off potential radiation from 5G cell towers," make guests wrap their shoes in Saran wrap, and require non-disclosure agreements from employees who quit or parents who withdraw their kids.
Apr 26, 2021 8 tweets 7 min read
Miami private for-profit school Centner Academy — owned by GOP mega-donors who charge up to $30,000 in tuition — bars vaccinated teachers from contact with students, citing anti-vax conspiracy theories #BecauseMiami… School founder and CEO Leila Centner's Instagram is packed with debunked COVID anti-mask and anti-vax conspiracy theories and right-wing propaganda, many posts flagged for misinformation #BecauseMiami
Apr 1, 2021 10 tweets 8 min read
#BREAKING: Parents at Miami's Carrollton Catholic school, including Coral Gables Commissioner and mayoral candidate Vince Lago, complain that "diversity" is "anti-Catholic indoctrination," cite far-right anti-Semitic Frankfurt School/Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory in letter 155 parents and alum at private girls Catholic school want to remove "divisive language derived from critical theory worldview" from handbook that teaches "systemic racism; marginalized communities, systemic justice and inequality; racial equity; implicit bias, microaggressions"
Jan 25, 2021 9 tweets 10 min read
#BREAKING: New info in the Miami-Dade COVID-19 #VaccinesForVotes scandal: in addition to every county commissioner getting 100 vaccine slots each to control, @MayorDaniella got 1,300 for herself, then her office lied about it #BecauseMiami Miami-Dade @MayorDaniella has been trying to (falsely) distance herself from the misguided plan that she endorsed on Friday just before it turned into a PR disaster as it was rejected by some commissioners amid claims of corruption, cronyism and pay-to-play politics #BecauseMiami Image
Jan 6, 2021 45 tweets 4 min read
THREAD: Georgia — GEORGIA! — just elected a Black pastor and Jewish millennial to flip the U.S. Senate for the Democrats. /1 Georgia — GEORGIA! — just elected a Black pastor and Jewish millennial to flip the U.S. Senate for the Democrats. /2
Nov 24, 2020 32 tweets 23 min read
Tough to imagine a worse unforced error in @MayorDaniella's first week than appointing Jimmy Morales Chief Operations Officer. If her idea of "a new day" is to empower the same villains who made us the most corrupt county in America, it's going to be a long 4 years. #BecauseMiami Everything @MayorDaniella says about Jimmy Morales here is a lie. How she can appoint him to such an important position in our county and be so staggeringly ignorant about his record is alarming. It's like she cancelled her own administration before it even started. #BecauseMiami
Sep 20, 2020 12 tweets 7 min read
Review finds racist, homophobic, anti-Semitic, Islamophobic content in all 32 issues of weekly insert printed in @MiamiHerald's @elnuevoherald, calling Michelle Obama "black monster," Africa the "ass of the world" and George Floyd an "ugly common criminal"… "Black Americans should be grateful for slavery," reads one column published in @elnuevoherald every Friday, "because it brought them to this country" and "says they have 'contributed nothing to the greatness of America,' and should decamp to Ghana if they don’t like it here."
Sep 13, 2020 10 tweets 5 min read
#BREAKING: @MiamiHerald/@elnuevoherald publisher @MindyMarques and managing editor @nsanmartin printed and distributed a racist and anti-Semitic periodical published by a convicted fraudster EVERY FRIDAY for MONTHS inside their newspaper "What kind of people are these Jews? They're always talking about the Holocaust, but have they already forgotten Kristallnacht, when Nazi thugs rampaged through Jewish shops across Germany? So do the BLM and Antifa, only the Nazis didn't steal; they only destroyed."
Aug 18, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Opa-locka cop fired 5 years ago for wrong-way I-95 chase and crash that killed 4 tourists quietly got his job back and is now running the whole police department in one of Miami-Dade's most corrupt towns (the FBI once raided city hall) #BecauseMiami… Last week, Opa-locka Police @ChiefJDobson was fired a day after Mayor @MatthewPigatt's cousin was pulled over and ticketed "for not wearing her seat belt, no proof of insurance or registration and because the tag on the silver Nissan she was driving was registered to a black BMW"
Jul 7, 2020 4 tweets 3 min read
Florida man at Fort Myers Costco in "Running the World Since 1776" shirt flips out on elderly woman who asked him to wear a mask and man who defended her #BecauseFlorida (via @profjaffar) This occurred at the Gulf Coast Town Center location on 6/27 and one of the customers targeted said: "To give Costco the credit, they escorted him out and made me wait inside and monitored him until he left and then they send someone with me to the care to make sure I'm okay."