Amy Curtis 🇮🇱 Profile picture
RN, Mom, Catholic, girlfriend. | EU thought criminal |“Republics get the governance they deserve, and no better.” | Dulcius Ex Asperis

Aug 19, 2021, 8 tweets

How quick we went from “Democracy dies in darkness” to “stop using democracy against us!”…

The first paragraph, LOL:

It just gets better. “How dare the minority voices have a say!”

What an absolute steaming pile of garbage this is:

I’m old enough to remember when the votes of the majority were considered “oppressive” to the minority (hello, Prop 8). But now I guess that’s not the case. Or something.

The left HATES you and your rights and will trample them with the tyranny of the majority whenever they can.

Vote and act accordingly.

And buy guns and ammo.

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