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Aug 19, 2021, 12 tweets

Trump supporter #RayRoseberry is threatening to blow up his truck on Capitol Hill near the Library of Congress and the Supreme Court. Capitol Police are negotiating. He was livestreaming it on Facebook till his profile was taken down

The last post Ray Roseberry shared on his Facebook page before he started live streaming his #libraryofcongress bomb threat, was a video post from @DonaldJTrumpJr stirring up his supporters against Biden.

He has a criminal history & is threatening to blow himself up with propane. His truck is filled with US coins in multiple bags.

He says bomb was built by a military vet & he is 1of 5 "southern Patriots" already in the area & he's just the beginning.

#RayRoseberry claims the toolbox in his truck is filled with ammonium nitrate.

He also claims that this event is in part also due to the situation in Afghanistan.

#RayRoseberry has an open facebook and it looks like he may have been planning this since at least May.

He attended #StopTheSteal and is a proud deplorable judging by his facebook posts.

50 yr old #FloydRayRoseberry has surrendered & now in police custody. Authorities are now searching his vehicle.

Federal & local law enforcement have made contact with the suspect's family at his home in Grover NC and are currently interviewing his wife.

SIX DAYS AGO: The Department of Homeland Security issued a warning about potential violence from domestic extremists,

including people radicalized by Covid-19 conspiracies and by pro-Trump election conspiracies. The bulletin specifically warned about IEDs.

Conservatives who were recently trolling the military over critical race theory and white rage have #falseflag trending.

white grievance +white supremacy = no accountability

Angry white men are seen as patriots even when they attack the capitol.

Rep. @MoBrooks issued a statement of sympathy for the would-be terrorist in front of the Library of Congress who had 22 prior arrests:

“I understand citizenry anger directed at dictatorial Socialism”

#YallQaeda #Yeehaadist #VanillaIsis

Roseberry's wife said he left North Carolina last night and said he was going on a fishing trip. She says her husband has been upset of the result of the Presidential election and voted for the first time in his life for Trump

Roseberry said he went to get stem cell treatment this week, but His insurance didn’t cover it.

He said his wife had cancer that needed surgery. Her insurance didn’t cover it.

Then he blamed refugees from Afghanistan and immigrants from Mexico who get free health care.

U.S. Capitol Police Chief Manger on #FloydRayRoseberry
"Roseberry had recently lost his mother, as well as "other issues that he was dealing with.”

Capt. Jay Baker on the Atlanta Spa Killer “He was pretty much fed up, and yesterday was a really bad day for him.” #MorningJoe

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