Louisa Britain Profile picture
Profane. Poor. ME/CFS. Unashamed. Veteran of the free school meals shambles and now editing an anthology of truths on poverty. @RoadsideMum@mstdn.social

Aug 20, 2021, 17 tweets

This article titled "I took £10 to Iceland to feed a family for a week and nearly pulled it off" from @kentlivenews is a joke, at the expense of low income families and that joke just ran aground here. 🧵

How dare you @kentlivenews?

Cc. @IcelandFoods


What a sanctimonious, patronising and offensive false equivalence, you horrible horrible little man @AdamMcGroarty.

Some of us like nice things, but the poor eat any old thing if it's cheap enough, what japes.

Cc. @IcelandFoods - the opposite of quality, are you?

If this could sound any more Colonial White-Saviour I don't know how.

How brave, our hero, venturing forth into the wilderness of... *Checks notes* how 14 million people live.

Cc. @IcelandFoods

@AdamMcGroarty went to do a shop for a family of 4, and his first best idea was frozen ready meals? Does his mother know he is outdoors unsupervised? Not even the entry level, infamous "£2 chicken"?

This is obscene.

I'd sue @kentlivenews if I worked for @IcelandFoods

Here's the tell that this had nothing to do with home economy and everything to do with pissing downward and calling it rain.

The premise was to try and do it without using brands. Why? Because the poor are rats and don't deserve 'em. Budget my arse. The aim is punishment.

And what's our intrepid Ex-poor-er come home with?

1/2 slice of toast for breakfast still won't last the week
1 fishfinger each & half slice of bread for lunch (only most days)
A burger, 1tsp of veg & a 3-4 chips on Sun
1 and 1/3rd nuggets each other days, 1tsp veg, 3-4 chips

This advice @AdamMcGroarty for @kentlivenews constitutes criminal neglect under the Children and Young Persons Act (1993) as explained here by the @CollegeofPolice

Such feeding can, and regularly does, result in child removal and criminal prosecution.


Don't even start me on the nutrition!!!

71ml of milk per person per day isn't even as much as pub double measure of gin

There's some calcium in (almost a whole slice of) white bread, but your kids will be slowly dying from starvation anyway, so who cares about their bones?

This is the ethics policy of @kentlivenews. Editor is @lukemjacobs, therefore the complaints email is luke.jacobs@trinitymirror.com. Kent Live are owned by Reach PLC and they answer to press regulator @IpsoNews

Also tagging @hackinginquiry for their records.

For the sake of not leaving the thread incomplete, here's where I'd be directing the lawyers if I was working at @IcelandFoods and my brand had just been set up and promoted as the recommended route to abuse children.

The go-to name for how far the weekly food budget can stretch safely is @BootstrapCook, who can just about get a family of 2 done on £20, ideally with some luck with yellow stickers.

A family of 4 does not eat for a week on £10, except via a foodbank!

Tag @TrussellTrust

This article, and the brutally cruel joke it makes, at the expense of children's health, and parents sanity, heaping further gaslighting upon the poor, as if to eat is a luxury we have no right to demand, is unacceptable in the extreme.

#EndChildFoodPoverty #StarveAKidSaveAQuid

I never thought I would see the day that the health and indeed survival of children in this country was more callously mocked than that abomination by Chartwells, but direct congratulations to @AdamMcGroarty and @kentlivenews team lead by @lukemjacobs 🎉

Oh my God.

When you thought it could not go any lower.

Heads up @sainsburys, I haven't opened it but if it's true to form, I'm pretty sure you are gonna want Comms, marketing and Legal to look at this

This is how much @AdamMcGroarty cares about his work and his reputation.

@lukemjacobs and @kentlivenews you must be so proud

This bag of shopping gives a 400 kcal a day diet. @adammcgroarty calls this "nearly" enough.

- By 30 days old a human child requires more kcal than this.

- A teenager can require 3000 kcal a day.

- Nazi concentration camps fed 1300 kcal a day to sustain and 700 kcal to kill.

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