Brian Beutler Profile picture
Off Message; cohost:; Formerly: @crookedmedia @newrepublic. BlueSky: Trump Employee 5

Aug 20, 2021, 5 tweets

Botch, please……

Before zooming out to the larger political context and lessons, here’s how I’ve reasoned through the past week’s events and how others have characterized them.…

Because it looks chaotic there’s a widespread assumption that there must be a better way, and then bad-faith critics who insist they would've pulled it off seamlessly. Given that backdrop, Biden is right to be unyielding.

Oversight is totally appropriate going forward, but Democrats in Congress fell instantly into a defensive crouch, when they should’ve taken their cues from Biden.

But *both* Biden and Democrats in Congress should apply the lessons from this experience to things like Republicans spreading COVID to children, and their broader emphasis on placation and bipartisanship.

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