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Speaking truth to power - and the angry mob. @NC5 chief investigative reporter. Chancellor Award. duPont, Peabody awards (4x). Toner Prize. Pulitzer finalist.

Aug 20, 2021, 8 tweets

BREAKING: An absolutely stunning 2,106 new #COVID19 cases reported today among Tennessee's school-age children. For our kids, this is the worst moment of the pandemic. DETAILED ANALYSIS TO FOLLOW. 1/

This is a look at the last 10 days for school-age children in Tennessee. 2/

With a LOT more time to go, this is already the 2nd worst month of the #COVID19 pandemic for Tennessee's school-age children. 3/

This also the worst day of the #COVID19 pandemic in terms of new reported #COVID19 cases among Tennessee children ages 0-10.
1,047 new cases reported today alone! 4/

AND GET THIS: There were a total of 7,238 new #COVID19 cases reported in Tennessee today. That means school-age children make up *** 29% *** of today's new case count. 5/

Luckily, there has not been a huge surge -- yet -- of pediatric hospitalizations. But hospitalizations lag behind new case reports. Children who don't require hospitalizations can be seriously affected. 6/

You don't have to take it from me; here's the analysis from an actual healthcare expert who warns that there is a looming surge that pediatric hospitals are NOT prepared to handle. 7/7…

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