Mike Stabile Profile picture
Carnival barker. Sometimes Director of Public Policy, Free Speech Coalition @FSCArmy. Hot takes my own.

Aug 21, 2021, 6 tweets

Hey adult creators! Good news, the loss of OnlyFans is not — I repeat NOT — a tragedy. You can thank NCOSE's Public Policy Analyst @PansySWatson for saving you from your $130/month exploitation.

Last I checked, a pimp profited by taking away the earning of sex workers. If there’s a pimp lobby, it’s NCOSE doubling their revenue last year by campaigning to cut off sex worker income.

Oh look, NCOSE salaries doubled as well!

Not a lot of support or services for actually deplatformed sex workers, oddly! Maybe I’m reading this wrong!

But a nice year over year nest egg! Put a feather in your cap, NCOSE! 🪶Sex worker (issue) exploitation is one profitable income stream!

But who knows! I’m not too brite — just a homo looking at a bunch of public documents that are above his pay grade. Maybe someone else can tell how they made it to the Top 0.1% anti trafficking earners. projects.propublica.org/nonprofits/org…

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