BrianMier Profile picture
Correspondent for @teleSURenglish TV news program "From the South". Native Chicagoan who has lived 28 years in Brazil. Editor of "Year of Lead".

Aug 21, 2021, 10 tweets

President Bolsonaro's elite supporters, under guidance from Steve Bannon/Mike Lindell, appear to be planning a Jan. 6 style invasion of the Supreme Court building in Brasilia on September 7th - Brazilian Independence day.

"I'm worried about September 7," says former Foreign Chancellor/Defense Minister Celso Amorim. "I want to see if the armed forces are defending Bolsonaro as a person, or if they are defending the Constitution."

Sept. 7 Supreme Court protest planner Bruno Semczeszm recently met with Beatrix Von Storch. Were they comparing Sturmabteilung-influenced tactics? Bolsonaro is already aligned with paramilitary militias.

Yesterday Federal Police raided 9 people's homes, including right-wing multimillionaire pop singer Sergio Reis and Congressman Otoni de Paula (PSC-RJ) - both rabid Bolsonaro supporters - as part of an investigation over a possible violent attack on the Supreme Court on Sept. 7.

Last month, the Supreme Court authorized an investigation of President Bolsonaro for felony malfeasance in the Covaxin vaccine fraud case. This has his supporters clamoring for a fascist shut down of the Supreme Court.

During his on-stage encounter with Mike Lindell and Jair Bolsonaro's son Eduardo in Sioux Falls earlier this month, Steve Bannon said, "The elections in Brazil are the 2nd most important in the World (after the US). Bolsonaro will win, unless the election is stolen by machines."

Of course, this statement has absolutely 0 correspondence with reality. The most recent polls show Lula ahead of Bolsonaro by nearly 20 points.…

Meanwhile, 12 former Brazilian Ministers of Justice have issued a note repudiating President Bolsonaro's legally groundless impeachment request against Supreme Court Justice Alexandre de Moraes. You can't impeach someone just because he authorized an investigation against you.

Here's my new article on this.…

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