BrianMier Profile picture
Correspondent for @teleSURenglish TV news program "From the South". Native Chicagoan who has lived 28 years in Brazil. Editor of "Year of Lead".
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Aug 15 18 tweets 5 min read
Phase 2 of Musk's "free Bolsonaro" campaign has begun, with help from sidekick Greenwald, who's released WhatsApp chats from Supreme Court Justice Moraes' staff showing him "informally directing" an Electoral Court investigation. The problem is there's nothing illegal about it.+ Image In the pages of Folha de S. Paulo, Glenn uses US law to claim his leaked messages prove that the Supreme Federal Court (STF) minister illegally acted 'outside the procedural framework' by having his staff request Superior Electoral Court (TSE) reports on investigation suspects.
Aug 13 14 tweets 5 min read
It's depressing to see the normally respectable magazine Current Affairs run yet another one of a long series of misleading, Perry Anderson-style "from the left" hit pieces against Lula. I'll highlight some of the worst examples of disinformation in this thread+ Image I'll start with these two examples of gaslighting of the Brazilian left. Image
Aug 6 5 tweets 2 min read
When President Lula brought up Venezuela, AS/COA endorsed "leftist" Chilean President Gabriel Boric rolled his eyes and stuck his beloved US State Depatment narrative. Here's the infamous Americas Quarterly (AS/COA's Latin American news magazine) 2021 fluff piece about Gabriel Boric, pictured here as a cool guy for going to a big oil/pharma/mining-funded think tank in a Nirvana t-shirt.…
Jul 14 5 tweets 2 min read
On September 6, 2018, the news broke that Jair Bolsonaro had been stabbed at a campaign rally. As World leaders expressed solidarity for him, a friend from the PT called and said, "this is our 9/11. We've lost the election". Later, all kinds of suspicious information came out + Image Many Brazilians have never believed that Bolsonaro was really stabbed, in part because there was no blood (actually a pretty common situation in puncture wounds), but also because he had a series of intestinal surguries before and after the alleged stabbing. Image
Jun 28 8 tweets 3 min read
Last week, I was shocked to learn that in 2021, Congresswoman Tabata Amaral (L) secretly pressed criminal charges against me in S. Paulo's TRF-3 Court in a clear attempt to suppress my free speech rights. Even more surprising: the Court appointed a public defender and I won. + Image in April 2021, Amaral sided with the Bolsonaro coalition, voting to fast-track a bill to force reopening of public schools at the height of the Covid 19 pandemic, before teachers could access vaccines - against the wishes of the teacher and students unions. I tweeted this: Image
Jun 22 6 tweets 2 min read
One full spectrum warfare tactic against the Brazilian Workers Party involves attacks on environmental issues by ostensibly leftist academics & jornalists in the Global North to weaken solidarity. They never mention Brazil leads the Global South in sustainable energy transition+ Image According to the WEF's 2024 Energy Transition Index Brazil ranks 3rd among the World's 10 largest economies, 1st among nations with pop. > 100 million and 1st among developing nations in increased adoption of clean energy sources and energy efficiency. Image
May 29 9 tweets 3 min read
5 ex-mayors of Porto Alegre, from 3 political parties, have signed a public statement criticizing bolsonarista Mayor Sebastião Melo of negligence that exacerbated the flood which has left portions of the city underwater for nearly 4 weeks. Here it is in English+ Image "We, former Mayors of the capital of Rio Grande, want to express our complete solidarity with all the families affected – directly or indirectly – by the climate catastrophe that is impacting Porto Alegre... Image
May 12 6 tweets 3 min read
Built in the 1960s to handle a 6 m rise in the Guaíba River, Porto Alegre's flood protection system would've prevented the city from flooding this month, if it hadn't been systematically neglected by 20 years of conservative mayors, writes Jeferson Miola+…
Image "The fact that storm-water pumping station number 17 [EBAP-17] was broken, which caused flooding in an area of the city last September, had been known since 2018, according to a Matinal News report. Despite this, the bolsonarista city government of Sebastião Melo did nothing." Image
Apr 15 9 tweets 3 min read
In 2019, Bolsonaro's Fed. Police tried to force Greenwald to name his source for the Telegram leaks in the Vaza Jato scandal. 40 progressive lawyers agreed to defend him, pro bono, on 7.7.2019. On 8.8.2019 the Supreme Court he now slanders as "totalitarian" ruled in his favor+ Image Greenwald's Musk-alligneded PR campaign, that ridicules the Brazilian left, pushes Jair Bolsonaro's Trumpian "stop the steal" narrative and uses US law to make a baseless claim that Brazil's Supreme Court is totalitarian, therefore, reeks of hypocrisy.…
Apr 10 10 tweets 3 min read
Estela Aranha accuses Michael Shellenberger of dishonestly manipulating his "Twitter Files" to push Musk's agenda. The only Brazilian group to ever press charges for refusing to turn over user data is GAECO - S. Paulo police's organized crime unit. More info in this thread+ Aranha, a lawyer, internet crimes specialist & former Sec. of the Justice Ministry, dismantles Shellenberger's claim that Supreme Court Justice Moraes and other officials threatened to prosecute Twitter Brazil's lawyer if he didn't hand over users' personal information. Image
Apr 10 5 tweets 2 min read
Shellenberger has no background in Brazilian law but has cherry-picked from its Constitution to argue that criminal suspects have full privacy rights. They don't. Police order social media companies to provide data on pedophiles all the time. Treason is also a crime in Brazil+ Image Jair Bolsonaro was barred from politics for 8 years for committing an electoral crime on his national public TV network in August, 2022, when he invited foreign diplomats to the presidential palace and claimed Brazil's electronic voting system was flawed, providing 0 evidence. Image
Apr 8 4 tweets 2 min read
Why are Musk and lackeys like Shellenberger attacking Brazil's democratic rule of law when X normally complies with local government's user bans? Intercept Brazil reveals Musk is losing big to China's BYD in bids to capitalize on Brazil's lithium reserves and electric car market Image The article in in Portuguese for now, but non-speakers can get the gist of it using Chrome or any other electronic translator. The journalists at Intercept Brasil have followed the money.…
Apr 4 10 tweets 3 min read
Twitter Files - Brazil: Imperialist elites from the global north attack Brazil's sovereignty by pretending US free speech absolutism codified in the 1st Ammendment is legally binding here. It's not. Brazil's constitutional "harmony of rights" is closer to the German model. Image It may shock some people in the US, but Brazil has it's own laws and Constitution and it's own legal definition of free speech, which doesn't protect things like Naziism. Pernambuco Federal University Law Professor @LianaCirne explains Brazil's "harmony of rights" here.
Mar 16 15 tweets 6 min read
Yesterday, Brazil's Supreme Court released the transcriptions of 27 witness/defendant depositions from the fed. police investigation on the Jan. 8, 2023 coup attempt to the public. This information dump has led to dozens of bombshell stories, which I'll summarize in this thread.+ Image Former Air Force Commander Carlos Batista testified that at a November, 2022 meeting w/ military brass, Pres. Bolsonaro asked for help implementing a coup, and Army Commander Gomes Freire said he would arrest him if he tried.…
Mar 12 14 tweets 5 min read
Brazil's Globo TV is coming under fire for perpetuating racist stereotypes in a new soap opera which, like the the Hollywood filme "Babel" did for scenes in Mexico, uses a yellow filter for scenes shot in the Brazilian Northeast.+ Journalist @flaviocostaf says, "yellow filter is used to depict countries in Latin America, Africa & Asia to depict places as hot, dusty, dirty & poor - elements associated w/ violence, underdevelopment & lawlessness, whereas blue filter is often used to depict Europe & the US"
Mar 7 15 tweets 6 min read
Brazil is restarting the legendary National Cities Conference which was canceled after the 2016 coup. 5000 democratically-elected delegates, with guaranteed majority representation for social movements & unions, will meet in Brasilia to create and vote on new urban policies+ Image I participated in the 3-5th National Cities Conferences, most recently representing the Central de Movimentos Populares. There two photos are old snapshots taken with a digital camera. It's was one of the biggest success stories in grassroots democracy. I'll explain it here. Image
Feb 8 5 tweets 2 min read
Former Brazilian presidential aide and US Embassy official Felipe G. Martins, who allegedly served as a liaison between Steve Bannon's "Movement" and the Bolsonaro government, has just been arrested as part of an ongoing investigation into the failed, Jan. 8, 2023 coup attempt. Image Read more on Martins here:…
Feb 6 10 tweets 4 min read
Transparency International Brazil, the corporate funded "anti-corruption" NGO, faces it's 3rd corruption investigation for collusion with the US DOJ-backed Car Wash taskforce, including alleged attempts to appropriate millions of Reais of public funds. Let's take a closer look.+ Image On 2/5/2024, Supreme Court Minister Dias Toffoli authorized a request from the Attorney General's office to investigate charges that TI Brazil worked with the Car Wash taskforce to try to finance a private NGO with misappropriated government funds.…
Nov 20, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
3 years in the making. The first peer-reviewed, academic study of US involvement in Operation Car Wash is out, in the new issue of Latin American Perspectives. "Anticorruption and Imperialist Blind Spots: The Role of the United States in Brazil’s Long Coup." + Image The US DOJ publicly announced its partnership in Operation Car Wash in 2016. That year both NYT and WAPO published articles mentioning the partnership. It was public knowledge, so why did so many journalists and academics ignore it or even gaslight people who mentioned it?
Oct 2, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
On June 30, 2023, Brazil's Superior Electoral Court convicted Jair Bolsonaro by a vote of 5-2 of abuse of power and barred him from running for office for 8 years. Last month, Glenn Greenwald lied about this on a popular US YouTube program.+ Image At 11:16 on a Valuetainment program entitled, “No Limits On What He Will Do” - Why Lula is extremely Dangerous For Brazil, while talking about Jair Bolsonaro, Greenwald falsly claims, "The Brazilian left has already made Bolsonaro ineligible to run, without even convicting him." Image
Sep 14, 2023 7 tweets 3 min read
Brazilians consume 6X less energy per capita than Americans, 5X less than Australians and 4.5X less than Norwegians. Keep this in mind when you see northern analysts, even those who market themselves as leftists, weaponize environmental issues to deligitimize the Lula Govt.+ Image One example is how the northern media is mislabeling plans for Petrobras to drill 170 KM offshore in an area bordering French Guyana, as at the mouth of the Amazon river. The site is located 570 KM from the mouth of the Amazon. Image