Christina Profile picture
find me cwodtke “Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes. “ ~Walt Whitman.

Aug 21, 2021, 11 tweets

Gonna send out some #AppreciateWomen love from @emalone's amazing Did you Know

I love this sassy podcast with "Drinking, swearing and two old ladies yelling at each other about what annoys us... so basically, everything."

Let's not hide knowledge behind jargon!

This is all from @emalone's great work!
Mosaic was the precursor to Netscape and was the first successful web browser.

Too bad there is only one "fun fact." Irene ran all of Yahoo design then all of google design and now is at Khosla helping entrepreneurs. Um... AND teaches Yoga.

Who was CEO fo the influential Adaptive Path in their early years? Founded LUXR, the first Lean UX agency way before the book was written about Lean UX?

Brenda is a real OG for games and UX. Her wikipedia article can tell the tale… but I admire Purple Moon and her books, Design Research and Computers as Theater probably the most. She's a personal hero!

Rashmi has done so much great work! Don't blame her for what happened to slideshare; when she was founder/CEO it was amazing!

OMG, the work she is doing there is amazing! and dig up her talks...

I'll finish wiht a little backpat. if you found this educational, check out

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