Christina Profile picture
find me cwodtke “Do I contradict myself? Very well, then I contradict myself, I am large, I contain multitudes. “ ~Walt Whitman.
Nov 12, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
ok, gonna usability test twitter alternatives to see if i can coax authors and illustrators over...
Mastodon: D (would be F but there a ton of people here who want to do free tech support) F

who's next? fyi, authors and illustrators are tech savvy, they just have better things to do.
Apr 24, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
If you hate OKRs, someone is doing them wrong. Maybe you, maybe your boss. If you are told what to do, someone is doing OKRs wrong.

If you are told what results you should try to produce, and you're trusted to figure out how, it's good.
Apr 22, 2022 41 tweets 12 min read
"We're entering a new type of design" Overtta Sampson, talking NOW on AI and ML
As ever, it will be up on this site and our YouTube Channel in about 2 weeks… Our speaker.
Feb 12, 2022 6 tweets 2 min read
A mistake a lot of us in tech make is thinking everyone is like us. Twitter makes this worse because we follow people like us. I'm going to call them "Product people" like we did at LinkedIn in the old days. It includes designers and engineers.
We are people who like new things. Product People are never satisfied. We believe something could always be better.
We don't like being told what to do, but we enjoy being challenged.
We don't mind ambiguity, because it is a space of opportunity.
And it's hard to imagine any other way to be.
Aug 21, 2021 11 tweets 5 min read
Gonna send out some #AppreciateWomen love from @emalone's amazing Did you Know I love this sassy podcast with "Drinking, swearing and two old ladies yelling at each other about what annoys us... so basically, everything."
Aug 20, 2021 7 tweets 2 min read
I am against aspirational and committed OKRs. tl;dr on why: the limits of working memory and tessler's law.

What do I recommend instead: consider if you want a moonshot goal or a yoga stretch. If you have never done yoga, a good teacher will invite you to stretch but NOT hurt yourself. So as you set a goal you can start with what you know you can do but then slowly increase it until you feel the stretch. When you say off this is a bit hard, but not impossible.
Aug 19, 2021 5 tweets 3 min read
Via the suggests, I've gotten a lot of clarity on the problem:
My students are asked to make interactive fiction (IF.) They are computer science students (HCI) and while they are all great at nonfiction, many struggle with fiction (never mind the complexity of interactive.) Some have never even written fiction! I cannot imagine this TBH.
I notice they have a lot of freedom creating "disposable" stories such as RPGs and other story telling games.
But when they make their own story, the often start strong and then get stuck. This is to be expected:
Jul 20, 2021 56 tweets 23 min read
@rdonoghue Giant spiders mean…. @rdonoghue I want to be a spider farmer now.

I read the entire thread and have no idea what you are referring to except I’m wildly in favor of all of it.
Jul 19, 2021 5 tweets 1 min read
I have been trying to google this, but don't have the right language. How does one find a therapist who specializes in working with a service animal to address one's mental challenges? I got my service animal over a year ago at a suggestion of my psychiatrist (who specializes in meds, and really nothing else. But he is very good at meds and respects I want as little of them as possible.)
I have worked with a service dog trainer for a year. It's made me realize
Jun 25, 2021 30 tweets 6 min read
Once upon a Time, someone, perhaps Andy Grove, perhaps Peter drucker, came up with a very simple idea. What if we told people what result we wanted and trusted them to figure out how to make that result happen. They called it managing by objectives. And the big idea was saying, "we'd like to improve engagement." Or "we'd like to make the business successful by becoming the number one name in processors" or "we'd like to make the world's information findable and usable."
Jun 24, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
The problem with being a recognized "expert" in OKRs is sometimes I get attacked for something someone else is doing (typically a boss) in the name of "OKRs" that I never recommended or endorsed. People want to tilt at me for things I've vigorously denounced, like using OKRs in performance reviews, because somehow all of the things wrong with OKRs are my fault.
Mar 7, 2021 6 tweets 3 min read
I often wonder how many people still use and value @boxesandarrows. It was the first of its kind: when I founded it there were only academic papers and beginner articles on how to make a webpage. @alistapart was mostly focused on code. We wanted to make a magazine for digital product designers. We eschewed loyalty to any faction, which at the time were mostly UX, information architecture and interaction design. We just wanted to offer useful insights, to share knowledge.
Jul 19, 2020 8 tweets 2 min read
It was design for a service economy: memorable, saleable, repeatable, apparently universal, and slightly vague in the details. | n+1 | "Horst Rittel had convincingly described the folly of trying to define or rationalize design’s “how”; IDEO’s template for design thinking brought back the “how” with a vengeance."
Dec 23, 2019 17 tweets 8 min read
Since working at Stanford, I've been staring at the design thinking hex-model a bunch. Finally (maybe it was @lauraklein's ranting at me) I see the giant missing puzzle piece.

"Elaborate" is the shortest way to say "huge amounts of fucking detailed thoughtful work."

Also: loop. @lauraklein ok, improved. Enjoy.
Dec 14, 2019 23 tweets 8 min read
Hard agree. Good point.
Nov 15, 2019 26 tweets 10 min read
Scott Klemmer on Question Makers today at the HCI seminar… Love explore/exploit approach
Nov 11, 2019 32 tweets 11 min read
Ok, this will be a thread on CAMP as it applies to game design, especially C is for Context.…
This is me thinking through tomorrow's class topic. I've been looking for a good model to hold the ideas around what context elements should be considered as we design a game. I'm going to try out the 5 W's.
Aug 29, 2019 24 tweets 20 min read
I want a thread on people I follow who I think profoundly improve my stream experience. Here you go!
@jonesabi I like to read the books with her
@stephenanderson He and I are both giant infodesign nerds.
@mishellbaker Author of amazing books and a vunerable, kind amazing tweeter. @MrAlanCooper He's famous enough you might already follow him, but watching him grapple with ethic questions has become one of lovelier things in my stream.
@CliftonB a funny, insightful, whimsical tweeter. Always kind.
@ursonate a bright and clear lens on the world.
Apr 6, 2019 21 tweets 6 min read
I will be featuring this in my cs247 class as a bad example of design. You, dear followers, can get a fun preview. Ready? Let's start with the problem statement. They state they want to make it "easy to follow and join conversations."
So what is the problem? Only they know of course, but considering the amount of abuse women get on twitter, I'm gonna guess "reply" is understood.