Tania Marshall 🇨🇦🇦🇺🇳🇿Psychotherapist Author Profile picture
2x @Amazon🥇Bestsellers https://t.co/ARvJ97O81f Psych Supervisor | Autism Giftedness Trauma Cluster B Abuse | UNwoke | Book ⬇️ https://t.co/LaclK1I0HH consulttaniamarshall@gmail.com

Aug 22, 2021, 23 tweets

Weekly Challenge: For my Gender Exploratory Training course👇🏻 who were your favourite GNC artists as you grew up? (picture, name & year) Thank you 🙏 So many…@AnnieLennox #JohnTaylor from ‘80’s & just for hell of it Jesse Rutherford of @thenbhd #2020 #annielennox #jesse

Power suit @AnnieLennox


Can’t forget @kdlang

Who could forget #wham

Thank you Julia @JuliaRobertsTV #suits

Thank you @MollyRingwald

Susanna Hoffs

Debbie Harry

Sheena Easton

Kim Wilde

Lisa Binet #lisabonet

The Iconic Grace @gracejones 💕

Hello Bananarama 🍌

Madonna @Madonna

Gender Bending and owning it

Demi Moore @justdemi x

Richard Edwards

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