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Know the difference between the reality of freedom and the illusion of freedom.

Aug 22, 2021, 15 tweets


It’s going to take a while to get this out, so bear with me.


Malala Yousafzai has become an international symbol for feminism and female education equality. The political left holds her as a hero.

Malala is the daughter of educational activist, who were determined to see that their daughter get a proper education in a part of the world where women and girls were banned from attending school.

On October 9, 2012, after attending school and taking an exam, Malala and two other girls were shot. Malala herself was shot in the head and nearly died.

So, who shot Malala? What sort of barbarians would shoot a young girl in the head simply because she wanted to attend school? The answer may surprise you.

Malala was shot by men belonging to Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). Also referred to as the Pakistani Taliban. Get that? The Taliban.

The TTP is a coalition of factions of Islamic militants that want to bring oppressive religious rule resembling that established by their better known Taliban counterparts in Afghanistan. The TTP also receives ideological guidance from and maintains ties with al-Qaeda.

In 2014, over 126 people, more than 100 of them children, were killed in a TTP attack at an army school in Peshawar, Pakistan.

One of the main goals of the TTP is to overthrow the government of Pakistan. In turn, the Pakistan Armed Forces set out to destroy destroy the TTP's infrastructure and base of support in Pakistan.

Many of the TTP militants escaped into Afghanistan. Some joined ISIS, while others remained in the TTP. Today, there are approximately 3,000 to 4,000 TTP militants in Afghanistan.

Over the past few days, American president Joe Biden facilitated the total collapse of Afghanistan. The country was purposefully handed over to the Taliban. The Biden Administration is determined to recognize the Taliban as a legitimate government.

In the wake of Biden’s treachery, what is happening on the ground in Afghanistan? Well, despite their claims of moderation, the Taliban are now beating and killing women. Forcing them into slavery. Even burning them alive.

Let us recall the throngs of feminists, who took to the streets while wearing knitted vaginas on their heads, that demanded an orange misogynist (Donald Trump) be removed from office. These women helped propel Biden into office. #Feminism

But where are these feminists now? Why haven’t they dusted off their vagina hats and taken to the streets? Why aren’t they taking Biden to task for handing the women of Afghanistan over to the same Taliban who shot Malala Yousafzai?

The American feminist women’s movement is rife with hypocrisy. Their support for Biden certainty serves as evidence of their hypocrisy. Trump’s alleged transgressions made him a “sexual predator,” but Biden? His victims are shamed and marginalized, despite #BelieveWomen.

So, American feminists, when will you be making your way to the White House? When will the protests begin? When will you call for Biden to resign? When will ultra-feminist Kamala Harris be speaking out? Although your silence is deafening, it’s not at all unexpected.

— END —

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