Sean Beckner-Carmitchel Profile picture
Los Angeles Videographer. Writer.

Aug 22, 2021, 33 tweets

Good afternoon everyone! I’m OTG in Portland, covering a protest / counter-protest. I’ll be doing things a little differently than usual, as Portland is not my home. Expect updates but much slower than usual.

Currently, quite a few people in Bloc waiting at a fountain nearby. Hearing reports that the right wing protestors are (as of now) at a location several miles away.

Ran into @LCRWnews ‘ Abner Hauge. He was kind enough to talk about the situation: outside of one group of three people, there’s been no sighting of any groups associated with the right wing in the park as of yet.

One protestor brought a remote controlled car to the park. It go vroom.

While the Bloc group is definitely holding space and monitoring the park, some streams on the Right indicate that the groups are as of now separated by several miles. Some Bloc folk are taking an opportunity to freestyle.

Got a statement from @DLamontJenkins on today -

“Its going great. Maybe they’ll come over and yell and scream at us but that remains to be seen. I don’t know this town as much as this town knows itself.

2/ From @DLamontJenkins
“We know they are in town, and I don’t think they’re going to want to make this a wasted trip.”

Some troubling reports coming from the K-Mart right wing protest.

Crowd now debating whether to remain in the park or to stay.

Here is some video of what is going on a few miles away.

The energy downtown is definitely up now. Chants of “Black Lives Matter,” and “stolen people on stolen land.”

The energy downtown is definitely up now. Chants of “Black Lives Matter,” and “stolen people on stolen land.”

Rumors that the right wing group may be heading to or near downtown. One makeshift barricades made on all sides.

Active shooter in Downtown Portland.

Arrest made of the shooter. Will post more soon.

Here’s the first video of the incident taken by me. Talking to other journalists on scene to find out exactly what happened and will release full video shortly.

Definitely harrowing stuff. I was not present during the initial interaction, but sources telling me the man was chased out by Bloc protestors after yelling a slur towards the group. While being chased out, the man pulled out a fire arm.

1/ There are bullet sizes marks on both ends of the alley where the fire / return fire happened.

2/ There are bullet sizes marks on both ends of the alley where the fire / return fire happened.

Here are a few stills of the man who pulled the gun.

Crowds thinning- a few minor things to report on later. Crowds thinning, a bonfire being made on the way out.

Some spray paint on a nearby building.

Some follow up footage - one group w “repent or die” and similar signs which was at the park earlier (for at least 30 minutes they were ignored) is confronted. There were rumors (still unclear on if true) one had a firearm or weapon and they were chased out earlier.

Shortly after, the man walked away. Not clear what happened (may have to do with reaching into backpack), but man was maced.

Things got tense briefly, but after some confrontation the crowd began walking away after the man who was maced left the scene, the “repent or die” sign man stayed on a corner and addressed the crowd which began egging him. One man heckling from his side but otherwise calm.

After “Repent or die” sign man said towards the crowd “Let me tell you something that’s really going to offend you. If Hitler had repented his sins, he could have been saved,” the crowd began approaching for several blocks.

1/ Uploading additional footage to help dispel some of the “theories” floating around.

2/ Uploading additional footage to help dispel some of the “theories” floating around.

Man flagging at people in black. People in black following, several have firearms. Several slingshots. Several “paintball” guns, though it is possible those were loaded w pepper rounds.

3/ Uploading additional footage to help dispel some of the “theories” floating around.

Added some lead time to video which had already been published so it’s even more clear that the man with the tan hat shot first in the direction of several protestors. Fire returned.

4/ Uploading additional footage to help dispel some of the “theories” floating around.

Several press members running closer to location after the appeared gun jam.

5/ Uploading additional footage to help dispel some of the “theories” floating around.

A view / screenshot almost immediately after the man who fired first.

6/ Uploading additional footage to help dispel some of the “theories” floating around.

Linking this part for reference for next slide re: car door open.

7/ Uploading additional footage to help dispel some of the “theories” floating around.

Regarding the opened car door, and it’s relationship to the shooting. Car door closed, no man in area. Car door opens, man jumps out and assists with arrest. Car drives away with door open.

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