Sergio Olmos Profile picture
Investigative reporter @CalMatters | | dm for Signal | 🇲🇽

Aug 22, 2021, 39 tweets

About 200 Anti-fascists (antifa) are gathered in downtown Portland, Oregon to counter a planned far-right rally

On the the edge of Protland, proud boys and about 100 others are rallying in a parking lot

The messaging here is that those being persecuted for the January 6th insurrection are political prisoners.

Randy Ireland says “free out political prisoners”

Ireland tells the proud boys to show up to next months “Justice for J6” rally in DC

Proud boys and anti-fascists have been fighting in the streets for 28 minutes on the outskirts of Portland.

No police response.

Portland police are nowhere to be seen

Proud boys and anti-fascists (antifa) battled in the street of Portlands for 28minutes.

- Paintballs, fireworks, mace, and fighting with batons

One gas station at the center of the clash closed down, employees indicated they worried about their safety.

No police response.

Active shooting in downtown Portland avoid the area

The shooting is over. No injures to report.

Portland police are on scene, a supervisor says police have a perosn in custody

Police are investigating. Police say they have a man in custody.

The shooting is over, no injuries to report.

Portland Police are taking photos of bullet holes.

This is my video during the shooting in downtown Portland, Oregon.

The shooting is over, there is no danger anymore. No injuries to report.

Downtown Portland, Oregon.

Bullet holes in a pizza shop downtown Portland

Bullet hole in a car in downtown Portland, Oregon

30min after the shooting, the area is empty. Police are gone as well.

Context for today:

Proud boys and Anti-fascists (antifa) battle on the outskirts of protland

-mace, fireworks, beatings with bats

-no police response

-4:06pm: 1min into conflict

Reporting for @nytimes

Proud boys and Anti-fascists (antifa) battle on the outskirts of protland

-mace, fireworks, beatings with bats

-no police response

-4:07pm: 2min into conflict

Reporting for @nytimes

Proud boys and Anti-fascists (antifa) battle on the outskirts of protland

-mace, fireworks, beatings with bats

-no police response

-4:09pm: 4min into conflict

Reporting for @nytimes

Portland residents drive through fireworks and paintballs.

-no police response

-4:10pm: 5min into conflict

Reporting for @nytimes

Proud boys and Anti-fascists (antifa) battle on the outskirts of protland

-mace, fireworks, beatings with bats

-no police response

-4:22pm: 17min into conflict

Reporting for @nytimes

Proud boys and Anti-fascists (antifa) battle on the outskirts of protland

-mace, fireworks, beatings with bats

-no police response

-4:23pm: 18min into conflict

Reporting for @nytimes

Proud boys and Anti-fascists (antifa) battle on the outskirts of protland

-mace, fireworks, beatings with bats

-no police response

-4:23pm: 18min into conflict

Reporting for @nytimes

Proud boys and Anti-fascists (antifa) battle on the outskirts of protland

-mace, fireworks, beatings with bats

-no police response

-4:25pm: 20min into conflict

Reporting for @nytimes

Proud boys and Anti-fascists (antifa) battle on the outskirts of protland

-mace, fireworks, beatings with bats

-no police response

-4:25pm: 20min into conflict

Reporting for @nytimes

Proud boys and Anti-fascists (antifa) battle on the outskirts of protland

-mace, fireworks, beatings with bats

-no police response

-4:26pm: 21min into conflict

Reporting for @nytimes

Proud boys beat man in truck, break and damage windows

-no police response

-4:27pm: 22min into conflict

Reporting for @nytimes

Proud boys and Anti-fascists (antifa) battle on the outskirts of protland in front of Parkrose school

-mace, fireworks, beatings with bats

-no police response

-4:29pm: 24min into conflict

Reporting for @nytimes

Proud boys and Anti-fascists (antifa) battle on the outskirts of protland

-mace, fireworks, beatings with bats

-no police response

-4:30pm: 25min into conflict

Reporting for @nytimes

Proud boys damaged a truck and beat the owner of the vehicle

-no police response

-4:35pm: 30min after start of conflict.

The conflict ends after 28min.

Reporting for @nytimes

John says trying to get a slurpee when he was hit with paintbombs in the crossfire.

Proud boys and Anti-fascists (antifa) battles on the outskirts of protland

-mace, fireworks, beatings with bats

-no police response

-28min of conflict

Reporting for @nytimes

Proud boys and Anti-fascists (antifa) battle on the outskirts of protland

-mace, fireworks, beatings with bats

-multiple vehicles damaged

-no police response

-28 min of conflict

Reporting for @nytimes

Proud boys leave the parking lot, shooting paintballs at anti-fascists as they leave

5:46pm : Gunman exchanged fire in downtown Portland.

I am crouched behind a vehicle. A Latino family got out of the vehicle to run for cover, a young teenager was still inside.

“bájate” a relative and I both say. The teenager jumps out and crouches next to journalists.

Moments after gunfire ended, Portland residents re-emerge onto the sidewalk.

This is the same spot where two weeks earlier a man walked by with an airsoft gun modeled to look like a real rifle.

Police did enter this area until 5min after the last shot.

Portland police statement.

Police announced prior they would not intervene in crowds.

The result was widespread violence, including gunman exchanging fire in downtown Portland.

I am out of downtown.

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