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NWO Dictators Impoverish Nations,Global Power Elites Fund Violence,Take Over Small Businesses,Militarize The States @BraTokolloZA @Bra_Tokollo

Aug 23, 2021, 16 tweets

A plan to shutdown the ANC policy "Radical Economic Transformation" by targetting certain Twitter accounts advocating for RET ,

it is regarded a crime advocating for the economic transformation in Ramaphosa's New Dawn

"Radical Economic Transformation is a policy of the ANC" ~ cyril ramaphosa

Today what was said by the president is regarded as a crime by those who have power to get Twitter accounts they dislike suspended @Twitter @TwitterSupport @SABCNews

Media reports disinformation deliberately throughout the year to smear on those they dislike , not a problem ...

"Prepare for mass job loses" , did you listen or you were busy with Zuma, how's unemployment now,did Cyril Ramaphosa not warn you ?

The new dawn has always been clear about its mission , society don't pay attention

Ramaphosa has always been clear

Ramaphosa warned everyone about the anticipated unemployment crisis,people were obsessed with Zuma,it is deliberate,part of the New World Order, starve majority to death

You don't want economic transformation, you gonna remain with economy dominated by minority, economy with the highest unemployment crisis in the world

Zuma is in jail,the economy is deteriorating further

He excels in factional battles using state institutions to deal with his political opponents in the ANC but the economy exposes his lack of leadership skills , Ramaphosa has failed

Politics is policies, current administration is busy with policies of capturing the state,self-advancement and dictatorship

President Zuma defines radical economic transformation
There's nothing illegal about this policy of the ANC that Ramaphosa wants banned
Economy should benefit all its citizens especially the poor, eradicate poverty, that's #RET

Propaganda media reports less than 10% truths , ANC threatens to reveal information neglected by mainstream media if their issues are not resolved in 21 days ,

Plot to deal with Zuma ,Ace and all who don't wanna bow to Ramaphosa

[Credo Mutwa]

"SA will be a tyranny, worse than any that you've seen in Africa, ...leaders arrested falsely..., the Zulus are going to be called the enemies of peace and many are going to be destroyed"...

Ramaphosa's regime is a dictatorship , arresting #SphithiphithiEvaluator who never incited any violence confirms we are living under a authoritarian state , under Martial Law , suppression of the freedom of speech

Many hate #RET because they don't know what it means,here is what it aims to achieve,change poor people's lives for generations to come, even after Zuma,it's not a Zuma policy but #ANC policy

You choose , RET or Slavery

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