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Here to promote free markets in Zimbabwe.

Aug 23, 2021, 9 tweets

Zimbabwe’s debt trap

The purpose of this thread is to show the extend of Zimbabwe’s external debt.

Is Zim in a debt trap?

Under my calculation Zim’s external debt is at least US$19bn

According to MOF published numbers Zim’s external debt is US$8.4bn.

After the coup of Nov 2017, RBZ on behalf of the public started acquiring debt.

There are three components to RBZ debt:
(i) Afreximbank loans of US$1.4bn
(ii) Blocked funds- legacy debts of US$2.8bn*
(iii) other debt US$1.5bn

*MOF number. This grew by 0.8bn in 2021

Afreximbank loans and concomitant interest rate of at least 10% per annum. The thread on this is here

Total RBZ external debt was US$4.8bn in March 2021. Block funds US$2.2bn. According to the mid term review this has grown to US$2.8bn.

Therefore RBZ debt is at least US$5.4bn

The farmers deed of settlement which is a public debt is US$3.5bn.

It’s salient features are not fully known eg interest rates. There are rumours that if a certain amount is not settled within a given period the debt due becomes US$5bn.


Hwange Power station expansion of unit 7 & 8 with increased capacity of 600MW is funded by China at a cost of US$1.5bn.

The salient features are not known.

The Kariba power expansion by Zimbabwe Power company is at a cost of US$500m funded by the Chinese.

To recap
(i) MOF US$8.4bn
(ii) RBZ US$5.4bn
(iii) FDS US$3.5bn
(iv) Power US$2bn

Total US$19.3

Excluded are other State Enterprise debts eg Telecos, dam, road, NRZ, local authorities etc

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