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Independent researcher & writer. Net Zero sceptic. words: Co-founder @ClimateDebateUK.

Aug 23, 2021, 10 tweets

Cowardly Jenny Jones does not care for debate about the origins and philosophy and MO of her political tendency.

Greens don't do debate. There is no culture of debate in environmentalism. It expects only obedience.

Bizarre Jennie Jones doesn't mind her coreligionists depriving you of your freedom of movement, and the means by which millions make a living, but she is bothered by robust, free, open, democratic debate.

@thejamesmax @talkRADIO

In the green view, debate is 'abuse' and having a different opinion is 'lies'.

Greens are people who didn't hear the word 'no' until it was far, far, far too late for them to understand what it means.

It is a developmental disorder.

I am serious.

Leaving aside the democratic problems of the HoL, she is not equipped to be in a position of responsibility.

She has no answer to challenges to her position. She doesn't think it needs to be debated. She doesn't think there can be a valid criticism of her ideas.

Jones thinks that blocking traffic is a 'democratic right to protest'.

The right to protest may well include routes that require closure to traffic in order to accommodate a march.

But it doesn't include blocking traffic as "protest".

The right to travel is democracy, too.

Simply not equipped for debate...

The fact and the problem for Jenny Jones and XR is that *vastly* more people want to use the roads than adhere to their extreme ideology.

If anyone disagrees, or dares to point out the fact, Jones' only answer is to screech "BIGOT!" at them.

For example, this is her answer to the point that blocking the roads obstructs access to one of London's most important hospitals.

It doesn't matter what the protesters let through, it's the traffic jam that obstructs.

Jones believes it is her 'democratic right' to kill people.

XR and the Green Party have made their case. Nobody in the country has not heard it. But after hearing it, very few people are moved by it sufficiently to vote for her party or to abandon the things that are necessary for their day-to-day lives.

Let's have a vote on it.

Greens are manifestly insane, unhinged, not capable of reason.

Why is green ideology so dominant in Britain?

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