Ben Pile Profile picture
Independent researcher & writer. Net Zero sceptic. words: Co-founder @ClimateDebateUK.
16 subscribers
Feb 24 11 tweets 2 min read
I don't.

And I don't think urging other countries to war at our expense is any definition of "standing with" worth defending.

Hundreds of thousands are now dead because of "standing with". Hundreds of thousands more are now fatherless, sonless, widowed...

You make a claim on behalf of "Britain" that you have never tested, and which your Prime Ministers could not even deliver for us. Do you stand with people who are now scattered in bits across eastern Ukraine? How does one "stand with" people who lay beneath the ground? How does one express "solidarity" with young men snatched from the streets to be forced to the front line against their will?
Feb 23 7 tweets 2 min read
Did you ever wonder how David Miliband, who oversaw the development of the Climate Change Act (and consequently Net Zero) landed a job worth a $million a year as a director of a charity?

Wonder no more... Image
Those are just *some* of the grants made by the government to the charity now directed by the former government minister.

He's worth every penny of that million bucks a year, as far as his extremely-well paid colleagues and appointers are concerned.
Feb 15 9 tweets 2 min read
Nasty morons, Liberal Democrats, who are neither liberal nor democratic. They're like mini-milibands. They don't know how human language and communication work.

They are only able to invent stories about their political counterparts, to smear them. But they have no capacity for reason of their own.
Feb 6 12 tweets 3 min read
BBC Media Action -- claims that "a free press is essential to freedom and democracy".

But when I revealed that @bbcmediaaction was working on behalf of dodgy billionaires and governments, to enforce particular political agendas they blocked me. Image @bbcmediaaction Here is the thread that offended them...
Feb 5 30 tweets 8 min read
I'd call Gill Tavner a liar, but she's mainly just ignorant.

Children were deliberately targeted by the green movement at large, and their anxieties were deliberately provoked precisely to make them adherents of green ideology.

Green *wanted* children to panic.

More >> Here's my video explaining Why There is No Climate Crisis (and why people believe that there is). If you've seen it before, move to the 17 minute mark.

There you will see the late Rajendra Pachauri talking about "sensitising the young" to climate alarmism.
Jan 28 10 tweets 3 min read
I don't think Dale Vince really understands how the green movement was conceived, founded, and pushed to the top of national and global political agendas.

Hint: it wasn't people power. Here's another hint... Image
Jan 17 16 tweets 4 min read
No it isn't.

Nuclear research of all kinds has been side-lined, including by institutional science, since long before you were last in office.

Meanwhile, subsidies to wind and solar scams alone are now hitting £10bn per year, and environmental taxes are £50 bn/year. The budget for fusion research just got amped in the UK, but by a mere £200 million/year.

There are windfarms that earn greater subsidies.…
Dec 18, 2024 8 tweets 2 min read
Many interesting comments from @DaleVince in this Telegraph piece. But this one struck me...

"There’s always been a funding gap between the two main parties and I wanted to level the playing field… I felt it essential to do all that I could to help Labour win the last election."… @DaleVince As with many of Dale Vince's claims that involve numbers, an inspection of the data reveals the opposite case. Between 2013-22 inclusive, the "funding gap" was in Labour's favour in all but one year. Image
Dec 6, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
This was very well known and understood in the decade before last, when exactly this phenomenon occurred with solar PV dumping undermined US and European manufacturers.

There is no need to prance around in front of infographics to explain European deindustrialisation. The fact is that UK/EU policies created a market for these products while undermining domestic manufacturers.

"Oh wow!", said the green lobby. "Look how cheap solar power is getting! Isn't China amazing!" They said we needed stronger climate targets to be imposed sooner.

And the fact is that Sky News took it upon itself to abandon proper criticism of that policy agenda, to become an advocate for green policies. It even had a daily climate news show. It committed itself to becoming a political campaigning organisation, to lead its audience towards supporting climate policies.

This PowerPoint-contemporary dance performance tells the story that critics were pointing out two decades ago. No. It's not a perfect storm, Ed.

Perfect storms are unpredictable. Nobody knows quite how and when the meteorological forces will align and multiply.

Many people were warning of this outcome. Why did Sky news prefer instead to produce propaganda?

Nov 18, 2024 5 tweets 1 min read
All these Tories coming out against Miliband...


Explain how YOUR PARTY got to the same point before you criticise the party whose policies are effectively continuity Boris Johnson.

Or, STFU and fade into the background of history, as you deserve. Where were you when Boris Johnson banned petrol & diesel cars?

Where were you when Boris Johnson banned the domestic gas central heating boiler?
Nov 12, 2024 10 tweets 3 min read
Why did Britain turn its back on nuclear power?

Because its governments caved into the green lobby's propaganda.

Who funds Sam Dumitriu's research?

The green lobby.

It is not about nuclear power.

It's about making it easier for rent seekers. Who funds Britain Remade?

1. The Quadrature Foundation, which gave a £4 million donation to the Labour Party, and from where the government's new Climate Envoy, Rachel Kyte emerged.
Sep 25, 2024 15 tweets 5 min read
This is daft, @MichaelLCrick.

Quadrature Climate Foundation's (QCF) grants to pro-Net Zero lobbying organisations VASTLY exceeds even Quadrature's alleged holdings in companies that have hydrocarbon energy interests.

It would make no sense whatsoever to fund climate lobbying organisations with more than a $billlion, as QCF has, for the sake of an alleged interest in hydrocarbon companies worth $170 million.

The question you should be asking is about the $billion of pro-Net Zero lobbying and its influence over UK energy policy.

There is a lot more to say on QCF's grantees, including how they create conspiracy theories about the funding of lobbying organisations and donations to political parties. Here is one example showing how fake philanthropic foundations like Quadrature spend VAST amounts of money on pro-Net Zero lobbying, and how there is ZERO evidence of the contrary -- fossil fuel interests funding anti Net Zero lobbying.

In fact, QCF grantees, InfluenceMap were so bereft of evidence linking fossil fuel interests to anti-climate lobbying that they had to count PRO climate lobbying as ANTI climate lobbying.…
Aug 31, 2024 15 tweets 4 min read
"Possible" needed the money because they destroyed their own image when they were called 10:10, and their adverts depicting the executions of children and other climate apostates led to their backers pulling out.

But they were outsourced PR for govt. Always were. These are the adverts from 2009...

Aug 8, 2024 11 tweets 2 min read
We need a new Bill of Rights. The political establishment is out of control. Preparation for this has been going on for quite some time. By eliding fundamentally distinct categories and even opposing arguments, the disinfo lobby has created the notion of online harms, and thereby the basis for policing political commentary.…
Jul 20, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Dale Vince claims that "environmental protesting is an act of conscience". But he does not believe in freedom of conscience. He argues that "climate denial should become a criminal offence".

Vince is also trying to use his £millions in libel action against his critics -- Richard Tice, Sean Bailey, and Paul Staines -- who reproduced his moral relativism about "terrorism" in his own words, and to force the Internet blocking of web sites.

He compares the average tariffs for various criminal offenses. But he does not compare the harms caused by those offences, either in economic terms, or deeper emotional and actual injuries caused to people by attempts to immobilise the road network. Those criminal actions were in very substantial part enabled by Vince himself, who admits that he gave the perpetrators "more than £340,000" to enable the expression of their "act of conscience". Who is to say that they are not motivated by money? On whose behalf, and in whose interests did they act? In many parts of the world, Vince would have been in the dock with the protesters for his part in their joint enterprise. Nobody is against expressions of conscience. But JSO manifestly intended to cause far more chaos than they in fact achieved.

Jul 18, 2024 8 tweets 3 min read
Sarah Jones claims that

"If you look round the world right now, there are countries in a race for who is going to provide the jobs of the future. And we know, whether it's hydrogen, whether it's solar, whether it's wind, whether it's floating offshore wind, all these new green energies are going to provide jobs for the countries that get this right."

There is no such race. There is hands-down only one player in the market and its "green" industrial sector exists only because of policies created in the west, mainly in Europe, which have created a market for it, and which is supported by a conventional industrial sector, powered by coal, oil and gas, and cheap electricity from those sources.

Britain has no general capacity to engage in such a competition. The sole effect of EU and policies of Labour, coalition and Conservative governments, and now, has been to push prices up, hastening Britain's and Europe's deindustrialisation, and loss of competitiveness. Those governments believed that you could win a "race" by first cutting off you own legs.

@LabourSJ does not know what she is talking about and it is a pity she was not challenged. Here is the data.

The claims made by MPs owes nothing whatsoever to reality.

So either they do not understand the policies they are creating, or they are lying. Perhaps both.

Jul 17, 2024 7 tweets 2 min read
Greens want the radical transformation of society & the total reorganisation of the economy, requiring the regulation of lifestyle, dismantling of democratic politics, deindustrialisation & degrowth...

But they think that people who disagree with them are driven by ideology. Greens think that people who disagree with them should not be allowed on campuses, should not be free to publish or broadcast, should not be able to take part in politics...

Because they believe people who disagree with greens are the ones driven by extreme ideology.
Jul 16, 2024 16 tweets 4 min read
The Royal College of Physicians has abandoned science, and become a green ideological campaigning organisation. The RCP's "green physician toolkit" is precisely the same patronising nonsense as the WHO's toolkit of the same name, discussed here a few months ago...…
Jul 14, 2024 12 tweets 3 min read
The output Hinkley Point C, with a capacity of 3.2 GW is equivalent to the average output of a wind farm with a physical footprint of 1,467km^2.

There is not going to be enough room in the UK for nature reserves & conservation, sorry. The seals are not compatible with Net Zero. Currently, Britain's average electricity demand, not including peak demand, is equivalent to the average output of a wind farm with a footprint of 20,538KM^2. Image
Jul 13, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Misleading... "1.5GW of clean power" is only capacity. The capacity factor of solar PV in the UK is approximately 10%. So these installations that will occupy a vast area have a net capacity of 150MW. They will produce power at lunchtime, and mostly in the summer. So whereas, for example, the new Hinkley Point C nuclear power station has a physical footprint of about 1 square km, to produce the same average output, a solar farm would need to have a footprint of 268 times larger.

And you'd still need backup for evening, night & winter.
Jul 1, 2024 10 tweets 2 min read
Seven reasons to be cheerful, despite the inevitability of Thursday's results and the next government... A thread and an article. Link at end...

1. The Net Zero cat is out of the bag. Even the government and opposition are rolling back expensive and unworkable policies. 2. There are completely different public discussion about science and policy today, compared with the recent past. Terms like 'denier' now cut no ice, and politicians don't find it as easy to hid behind scientific authority, thanks to lockdowns.