Anshel Sag Profile picture
Principal Analyst @ Moor Insights & Strategy. Semis, Smartphones, PCs, 5G, XR, Gaming, Wearables, AI. Love Photography & Tech

Aug 23, 2021, 12 tweets

I really hope someone doesn't see some of my PC heatsinks and think that I'm a fellow #QAnon believer and #5G conspiracy theorist.

OMG it gets better. This Ripple Cellphone EMF defense device plugs into your Type-C or Lightning port...

They've got ALL the bands covered! I wonder if they even have #CBAND support already, because you know, that's pretty new ;)

They've also got wearable solutions, too!

No, #EMF is not causing me anxiety...

LOL Clarified Orgone Coating?

Hey, if you don't like necklaces, they've got bracelets and rings, too.

All of these appear to deal with #5G very effectively. I'm very impressed.... /sarcasm

I feel like every few months, a new Anti-#5G #QAnon grift comes out to part idiots from their money.

Just in case you are worried that these are foreigners that own a big company...

Disclaimer at the bottom.

Using an LA-based Google Voice #

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