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Aug 24, 2021, 10 tweets

1/ Fox & Friends First spends 14 min. interviewing "Fatima" LIVE from Kabul who claims she's stranded

MELE: Difficult to hear, it's such a real and raw emotional situation
SHIMKUS: And it is the reality of the situation for thousands of people, thousands of Americans and Afghans

2/ During the live phone interview, "Fatima" thanks @FoxNews as well as congresswoman @RepCarolMiller (R-WV)

"Fatima" also sent Rep. Miller an audio recording
The phone connection to Kabul is crystal clear
There is no satellite delay


3/ "Fatima" says her daughter fears Taliban is going to behead her so she tricks her into believing they're bringing kittens

Although @FoxNews had difficulties with LIVE satellite feeds to @TreyYingst in Kabul, the phone connection to "Fatima" is clear.

4/ Now @foxandfriends is using the words of "Fatima" to attack @PressSec Jen Psaki and Pres. Biden: "We Are Stranded"

DOOCY: You know who else is sayin' they're stranded? Somebody who's stranded!

Is "Fatima" stranded in Kabul?

📺 #WeReportYouDecide

5/ Listen to the full @FoxNews “Fatima” phone interview crystal clear and LIVE from Kabul with no satellite delay.

Is “Fatima” real?


6/ @Mediaite accepts live “Fatima” interview from Kabul as real without independent confirmation.

“‘We are stranded at home,’ the woman, who went by the assumed name of ‘Fatima,’ said in an early morning interview with @FoxFriendsFirst.” –@AugustTakala

7/ “Fox News had reached out to Psaki on Saturday about Fatima’s experience. The White House never issued a response.” –Nikolas Lanum @FoxNews

Because she isn’t trapped in Afghanistan, or her tale is fabricated? #WeReportYouDecide

8/ On the phone: crystal clear "American trapped in Afghanistan" first of all wants to thank @FoxNews and @RepCarolMiller (R-WV)

@jillianmele @CarleyShimkus

9/ "Fatima" Debuts on #SpecialReport

PSAKI: I think it's irresponsible to say Americans are stranded. They are not.
DOOCY: Not true according to an American government worker and MOM trying to leave Kabul

If she's on your @FoxNews show, @BretBaier, she must be real — right?


10/ “Fatima” could be in Kabul or Kalamazoo — only @pdoocy knows

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