Rob Lee Profile picture
Senior Fellow @FPRI. Previously @USMC, @ColumbiaSIPA, @CentreAST. Focused on Russian defense policy.

Aug 24, 2021, 13 tweets

The Army Defense Expo means the dynamic display in Alabino with plenty of ATGM launches, starting with a double-Kornet ATGM launch from a K-17 Bumerang. Looks like the first was a near miss but the second hit the target.

At last year's display, there was quite a large number of ATGM misses. 2/

A K-17 Bumerang engaging targets with its 30mm cannon. 3/

The BMD-4M went 1 for 3 with their 9M117M1/9M117M3 Arkan ATGM launches here. 4/

It appears the BMP-2M also went 1 for 3 with Kornet ATGMs. The fourth launch went into a smoke cloud, so it was hard to tell if it was a hit or miss. 5/

BMPT tank support combat vehicles fired Ataka ATGMs, but it wasn't clear from the footage whether they were hits or misses. 6/

The Kornet-D had more success and went 3 for 3 in this video. Also Tunguska and Pantsir-S SHORAD engaging ground targets with their cannons. 7/

TOS-1A thermobaric MLRS doing their thing. 8/

Day 2 of the dynamic display. The K-17 Bumerang started with two Kornet ATGM hits. 9/

Paratroopers rappelled from Mi-8 helicopters and naval spetsnaz seized a beachhead. 10/

The BMD-4M IFVs went 1 for 3 with their ATGM launches. 11/

BMP-2M went 1 for 3 with Kornet ATGM launches as well. To be fair, some would have likely been hits if the tank targets still had their turrets. 12/

Looks like the BMP-3 went 3 for 3 with their ATGM launches. 13/

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