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An ideal whose time has come again...

Aug 24, 2021, 12 tweets

Bad posture suggests to the world that a man is tired, timid, demoralized, overly comfortable on the couch, insufficiently eager to make a mark on the world, or just not concerned about developing personal dignity.


That may sound harsh. The good news is that good posture can be attained and carries the exact opposite effects.

Good posture suggests that a man is a force to be reckoned with.

I sympathize with those who want better posture but have difficulty. Modern life (desk jobs, smartphones, etc) constantly draws our shoulders and head forward, whether we like it or not.

The man who would stand up straight must overcome these.

How does one do this?

1) It starts with getting in shape. Standing tall will be significantly easier if you have better energy and less weight to haul around.

2) More specifically, we need to strengthen the posterior chain in the gym. Because modern life pulls us forward, we need to strengthen those muscles that pull us back.

Specific exercises in the gym might include deadlifts, leg curls, glute thrusts, back extensions, and others.

3) When you're at home, facepulls are exceptionally helpful. Simply acquire a resistance band ($10) and rig it in a door frame. These help you understand the importance of scapular placement.

4) Chintucks will help strength the neck muscles that keep the head from falling forward.

5) We need to stand up more frequently. Break long periods of sitting by simply standing up every 15-30 minutes. It will be helpful to squeeze the glutes when you stand.

No dead butt syndrome!

6) Walking does wonders. I aim for 4 miles a day. Enough said.

7) Finally, I find it helps to look at pictures of dignified, upright, strong men. Draw strength of the examples of Chads. Have a picture in your mind of what you're aiming for.

Ultimately, the choice is ours: Will we look like bugmen or like men of consequence?

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