Adam W Gaffney Profile picture
Pulmonary & ICU doctor @challiance, assistant professor @HarvardMed, healthcare researcher, past president @PNHP, author of "To Heal Humankind", tweets my own.

Aug 24, 2021, 7 tweets

It first seemed like ivermectin was one more low-evidence-based drug, albeit with a curious degree of politicized enthusiasm. It is far worse. Its evangelists appeared to have convinced some, perhaps many, that it is a substitute for vaccination.…

Pierre Kory, the most prominent physician backer and head of the ivermectin enthusiast group FLCCC, has been cagey about this at times, but here he is posting a slide "Pfizer v. Ivermectin" suggesting superiority of ivermectin vs. vaccine in Covid prevention.

However, even worse is that the FLCCC Alliances' COVID-19 "prevention" protocol includes ivermectin (as well as vitamins, mouthwash, etc.) but ... no mention of vaccination. Maybe it was just an innocent oversight? Hmmm...…

It is also notable that the FLCCC Alliances' Long Covid treatment protocol contends that Long Covid can be caused both by Covid-19 and ... Covid-19 vaccination. ("likely due to monocyte activation by the spike protein from the vaccine", they assert.)…

Their Long Covid treatment protocol in turn calls for yet more ivermectin, "mast cell stabilizers", steroids, "monocyte repolarization therapy", and more.

They claim this protocol also works for the type of Long Covid they allege is caused by vaccination…

(None of this is evidence-based).

Pierre Kory also made a claim about ivermectin being effective for what he called "post vaccine inflammatory syndromes" when he appeared on Joe Rogan's podcast with Bret Weinstein.

Ivermectin evangelists are delivering an effectively anti-vaccination message whatever they claim.

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