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Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Aug 24, 2021, 6 tweets

On cue, MSNBC's Joy Reid again shows she's a WH favorite amidst their Afghanistan failures as she (again) led with Covid. Calling Ron DeSantis "Dr. Death" who's "wag[ing] his war" for the virus, she said he's not alone in "rolling out the red carpet for this ravenous virus."

Afghanistan wasn't even the b-block on Joy Reid's show. Instead, Tuesday's b-block was -- sighh -- January 6 because, as Joy made clear last week, it makes her really, really angry that the news media are expending so much energy and time on Afghanistan compared to January 6.

Joy Reid did get to her c-block. And once there, she came off like she was reading from a script sent to her by White House chief of staff Ron Klain, gushing that it "sure sounds like" they're "on-target" to get the right number of people out by August 31

Reid then gripes to PBS's Jane Ferguson that it seems like the United States is having to do all the work in getting people out of Afghanistan to escape the Taliban while the rest of the world sits around and Monday morning quarterbacks.

Ferguson promptly dismissed that.

Totally ignoring what someone in Afghanistan just told her, Joy Reid tells Malcolm Nance that "it sounds to me as if the burden sharing isn't exactly equal" with "NATO countries that are essentially saying, 'it's all up to you, the United States'" while we do "a thorough job"

Skip ahead and we had this crazy ending:
- Nance insists the Taliban will be on better behavior than the 90s
- Nance says this won't be seen as "the worst military disaster in history"
- Reid gripes the only way people would be happy is if we left troops for another 20 yrs

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