Drew Profile picture
Exporter from SeAsia to the world

Aug 24, 2021, 8 tweets

I have worked years in the Ag industry training here working teams when in Australia
#no2agvisas is a must not only is a affront to #strandedaussies that there trampled over again the LNP is endorsing a bonded labour scheme that allows exploitation
heres why read part 2

2/ Being in SeAsia the montly salary is $150 a month for a 6 day week 12-15 hr day.
For farmers to hire labour they have to use Brokers to find the pepole.
Brokers will pay family spotter fees or anyone in fact if they can find them a body
Brokers get a % of wages cont.. #auspol

3/ That these bodies earn but heres the catch
Brokers will contract them
and the bodies will garentee there labour they may borrow from the broker any fees for visas medicals other costs getting them to australia this is repaid over the term of the contract current cont

4/ Current intrest rate here where I am is 22-26% pa
Brokers also have a fee currently between 500-900 usd to take on a worker if they cant pay that its added to the debt owed to the broker
Brokers promise big money
but what goes into the workers hands is small
cont... #auspol

4/ then when these bodies go to Australia the farmers start taking there % accomidation transport to and back food safty gear big list espessily if there on.contractor rates as peice workers
if wage a little better but high deductions will happen cont.

5/ But remember these bodies have signed a contract not in Australia any loss to a broker will be recovered in.SeAsia family will be hunted to pay should the body leave work or go home
meanwhile you have #strandedaussies like me unable to get back becase our govt cont #auspol

is to brainless to even ask what occupations or skill strand citizens have i could very easy train Australians at home how to pick correctly and even educate the farmer how to ensure he has reliable local labour have done so before.
So be proud @D_LittleproudMP cont... #auspol

So be proud @D_LittleproudMP of your #agvisa you are supporting and helping human trafficing explotation of non australians over making sure the industry is compliant
you have no audit or checks for brokers just issue visas right
this is a true LNP $ scheme
#no2agvisas #auspol

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