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Associate Editor for @theMRC and @NewsBusters. Bylines and citations in @FoxNews, @DailyCaller, and many more. D&D Dungeon Master #Critter. #2A #JetUp

Aug 25, 2021, 5 tweets

Speaking to @BretBaier, @RepMeijer calls out the Biden administration for lying to the American people about what's happening on the ground at the airport in Kabul.

Further, @RepMeijer details the "horrific" situation. "We are putting our soldiers and Marines in impossible situations, but they are living up to their code and we should be proud..." He also went over how difficult is for American citizens to make it through the crowd.

When asked about the administration's objects to the trip, @RepMeijer unloaded: "Right now they have done everything they can to obstruct the situation, to deny this reality, and, frankly, to hide facts from the American people."

.@BretBaier did ask about how @RepMeijer and Rep. @sethmoulton traveled to and from Afghanistan. Meijer explained how they flew privately to the country and then took a military plane back at the request of leaders at the airport. They waited hours for open seats.

For his "one message to the American people" about what he saw, @RepMeijer wanted us to know just how our service members were being selfless. "I know soldiers who left behind their boots, they're wearing tennis shoes right now." Others have been wearing the same clothes.

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