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Aug 26, 2021, 9 tweets

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Launch of MANTHAN-2021 by Sh. Neeraj Sinha, IPS, ADG, @BPRDIndia and Prof. Anil D. Sahasrabudhe, Chairman, @AICTE_INDIA

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As part of Azadi Ka #AmritMahotsav celebrations,

@AICTE_INDIA, @BPRDIndia and @mhrd_innovation are together launching a hackathon 'MANTHAN-2021' with an aim of strengthening India's indigenous solutions to empower the country's law enforcement agencies

We are here with an offering for the young & bright minds of India in the form of a #hackathon 'MANTHAN'

The primary objective is to pose 20 interesting questions for prospective participants, each of which reflects professional policing and security concerns

: ADG, @BPRDIndia

'MANTHAN 2021' Qs to range from no. plate recognition for vehicles at high speed, predictive policing, fake news identification to national security concerns such as face detection of terror suspects, identifying people at risk of radicalization, tracing real IP add.: @BPRDIndia

#Hackathon 'MANTHAN 2021':

Problem-points to also include gender-issues such identifying individuals posing sexually explicit images as a tactic to harass as well as a solution to traverse the dark web and throw an alert when content on child abuse is detected: ADG, @BPRDIndia

#Hackathon MANTHAN-2021

Today crime is not only limited to physical crime, there is cyber-crime. This is where technology can come in handy to detect various types of likely crimes much in advance and check them: Chairman, @AICTE_INDIA

#Hackathon MANTHAN-2021:

In the last four years we have found that the talent of students can be tapped and used effectively. Why not use it for national security? From that perspective, a special hackathon is being held for these areas: Chairman, @AICTE_INDIA

Hackathon 'MANTHAN 2021' has been declared open by @BPRDIndia and @AICTE_INDIA

MANTHAN 2021 will have two phases.

The registration to participate in the event will begin on official website manthan.mic.gov.in from August 26, 2021 onwards

Details: pib.gov.in/PressReleasePa…

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