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Aug 26, 2021, 9 tweets

It’s an @amandatjordan Semrush Twitter takeover! Today we’re going to talk about one of my pain points. Duplicate content for local pages. Pages with similar or duplicate content do not perform as well in search results. No visibility = no traffic = no leads.


If you’re a local SEO then this is like the bane of your existence. Finding unique ways to talk about the same products and services can be hard when you have hundreds of locations.

#SEOthread @amandatjordan

But I have some tips for you that will make this way easier because unique content is key for improving visibility and converting site visitors.

#SEOthread @amandatjordan

TIP 1: Get the knowledge keepers involved. If each business location has its own management, send them a survey with questions about the services and location to help provide unique content.

#SEOthread @amandatjordan

Survey questions like:
What do you do better than local competitors?
What makes your location unique?
What are the most common concerns/questions customers have?

#SEOthread @amandatjordan

TIP 2: Work with your customer service team to get a list of the most common questions and provide unique Q&As on each location page. An inpatient treatment center may get asked “what should I pack?” or “can I have visitors?” on a regular basis.

#SEOthread @amandatjordan

TIP 3: Find RELEVANT local statistics to add to each content page. For example, a real estate company with multiple locations may want to include data about property values by zip code or most popular neighborhoods based on sales data.

#SEOthread @amandatjordan

TIP 4: Feature testimonials that are from local customers. Reach out to some of your most loyal customers and interview them about their experience.

#SEOthread @amandatjordan

Have any tips for duplicate content issues for local landing pages? Or a horror story you want to share? Leave it in the comments!

#SEOthread @amandatjordan

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