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Aug 26, 2021, 11 tweets

We’re here in Charleston WV to kick off out 10th anniversary celebration of our partnership with @FirstBook. #Back2School

This partnership has had a huge impact for @AFTWV members. - @AlbertFralbert about our @FirstBook partnership

Our partnership shows the exponential power of collaboration. - @KyleFirstBook

Together we’ve distributed more than 7.5 million books. - @KyleFirstBook on AFTs 10 year partnership with @FirstBook

I’m here to celebrate the 10 years of what’s been given to children in West Virginia. - @g_manchin

We can spark the love of reading. - @rweingarten

7.5 million books is a lot of books. - @rweingarten

Our North Star is that every single school should be a place where parents want to send their kids - @rweingarten

Free books for first graders!

Each of these students gets to pick 2 free books at today’s @FirstBook event.

5th graders get to choose from various YA novels!

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