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Associate Editor for @theMRC and @NewsBusters. Bylines and citations in @FoxNews, @DailyCaller, and many more. D&D Dungeon Master #Critter. #2A #JetUp

Aug 26, 2021, 5 tweets

Lt. Gen. H.R. McMaster calls out the weakness of American leadership that led to the attacks on the Kabul airport. "I think what we have done is we have exuded extraordinary weakness and weakness invites these kinds of attacks."

He went on to warn that our "surrender" to a terrorist organization and scramble to leave will result in more parallels to Saigon and then the Iranian hostage crisis.

And when prompted by CNN's Jim Sciutto to blame former President Trump, McMaster noted that "the Biden administration reversed a lot of Trump policies, they could have reversed this," the "capitulation agreement." Adding: "I don't believe the President's hands were tied."

McMaster detailed how the U.S. delivered a series of psychological and morale blows to the Afghans that ultimately led to the collapse of their military's will to fight. "And so that is why you saw this rapid collapse. I think it was completely predictable."

Finally, McMaster warned that Afghanistan would once again return to being a haven for terrorist training centers. And he predicted this Taliban victory would be a massive boon to their recruitment globally. "...this is an endless jihad..."

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