Israel Defense Forces Profile picture
Official IDF X account. We post real-time information and updates from the field.

Aug 26, 2021, 10 tweets

In the summer of 2014, Hamas committed incessant terrorist attacks against Israel, prompting us to launch Operation Protective Edge.

Scroll to see the operation like never before:
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IDF Paratroopers search for the 3 Israeli teenagers kidnapped and murdered by Hamas in Operation Brother's Keeper, before the start of Operation Protective Edge.

Israelis take cover on the highway when sirens sound due to incoming rocket fire from Gaza.

Gazan civilians run to the roof of a building used by Hamas for terrorist activities after Hamas encourages them to serve as human shields.

The IDF field hospital takes in Palestinian patients from Gaza.

An arsenal of mortar shells is uncovered in a Hamas tunnel in Gaza.

IDF soldiers prepare to neutralize a Hamas tunnel in Gaza.

A blind woman is found by IDF soldiers near a suspected tunnel entrance in Gaza. She drinks for the first time in days after not having access to water.

IDF infantry troops march back to Israel.

Our forces depart from Gaza, marking the completion of Operation Protective Edge.

📸: Barak Chen and Reuters

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