Mahmudur Rahman, PhD Profile picture
soft condensed matter physics: interfacial phenomena and colloidal hydrodynamics. PhD @uofl. Last Postdoc @argonne

Aug 26, 2021, 9 tweets

Israel and Lebanon are neighboring countries. Israel vaccinated its population massively (67.95%), while Lebanon did not (only 18.49%). Technically speaking, Israel should be in a much better position than Lebanon.

Both countries had a recent summer surge. However, Lebanon curve already turned down. The death rate in both countries also differs significantly. Despite very low vaccination, Lebanon is in a much better position.

Vaccination clearly does not show a positive outcome. Let's examine their respective weather. Even though they are neighboring countries, they share different weather at different locations. However, weather is similar in both countries' capital, located in coastal areas.

Between mainland and coastal areas weather is markedly different. For example, outdoor wet bulb temp is significantly lower in mainland Lebanon compared to Israel's capital. Therefore, Lebanon's mainland is relatively colder.

However, if we compare the weather between the mainland of Israel and the mainland of Lebanon, we see that Israel's mainland is much hotter, significantly higher in average wet bulb temp.

As a country, Lebanon is colder than Israel. Therefore, Israel's summer is longer than Lebanon's. People in Israel are more likely to stay in indoor ACs because of the hot outdoor. If you follow my Twitter posts, you will know that around 12-14C WBT is the most infectious.

When people use AC indoor, AC makes air dry and cold. Both can lower air wet-bulb temperature. Therefore, people in Israel are suffering much more even though they are highly vaccinated. The curve will go down when Israel experiences similar weather as in Lebanon right now.

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