Curtis Houck Profile picture
Managing Editor @NewsBusters, Proud grad of @Penn_State & @ManheimTownship via Lancaster, PA. Caps, Nats, NASCAR, mental health, ✝️. Views = mine

Aug 26, 2021, 9 tweets

NBC's @KellyO: " After today's attack, do you believe you'll authorize additional forces to respond to that attack inside Afghanistan, and are you prepared to add additional forces to protect those Americans who remain on the ground carrying out the evacuation operation?"

Reuters's @TrevorNews Hunnicutt to Biden: "There’s been some criticism even from people in your party about the dependence on the Taliban to skewer the perimeter of the airport. Do you feel there was a mistake made in that regard?"

AP's Aamer Madhani: "You have spoken—again—powerfully about your own son and the weight of these decisions. With that in mind and...the longer we stay, the more likelihood that there would be a major attack, how do you weigh staying even considering what has happened?"

.@NPR's @FrancoOrdonez: "I wanted to ask you. You say that what America says matters. What do you say to the Afghans who helped troops who may not be able to August 31st? What do you say to them?"

.@RealClearNews's @PhilipWegmann: "There are reports that U.S. officials provided the Taliban with names of Americans and Afghan officials to evacuate. Were you of that? Did that happen? Sir, did you personally reject a recommend to hold or recapture the Air Force base?"

DOOCY TIME: "There had not been a U.S. service member Afghanistan since Feb. 2020...You pulled troops out. You sent troops back in & now 12 Marines are dead. You said the buck stops w/you. Do you bear any responsibility for the way that things have unfolded..."

After Biden blamed Donald Trump for the collapse of Afghanistan and demanded Peter Doocy agree, Doocy informed him that "Donald Trump is not the President anymore," and Biden lost it, burying his face in his hands and leather notebook.

Once he got up, Biden kept blaming Trump.

*may not be able to get out by

*Corrected @PhilWegmann Q: "There are reports that U.S. officials provided the Taliban w/names of Americans & Afghan officials to evacuate. Were you aware of that? Did that happen? And then, sir, did you personally reject a recommendation to hold or recapture the Air Force base?"

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