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Anti-genocide, anti-ethnic cleansing, anti-apartheid 🇵🇸♥️

Aug 27, 2021, 28 tweets

The next speakers are Scott Burns & Petra Gulicher from the ABC

Rethinking UGC at the ABC

#uxa2021 @UXAustralia

UCG = User Generated Content

What will be shared today

What does User Generated Content mean at the Australian Broadcasting Corporation ABC — Australians national broadcaster.

They want to create a channel to collaborate with the Australian public to reflect their political and social issues more accurately.

A couple ways they're currently doing — ABC my photo, QandA, ABC kids, COVID19 Questions

The ABC has such deep roots in the user generated content.

Before talkback was made legal in the 60's (what???) the ABC had the listener mailbag

Part of the ABC Charter is to "reflect the cultural diversity of the Australian community" a legally binding framework the ABC needs to be working towards.

To enable ABC's Digital Future the team want to make them the most trusted in Australia

Part of the transition is to deeply understand each other.

In a broadcast mindset it's been pass to work over, but when we go digital the process isn't necessarily clean, linear and rigidly managed

Not all sensitive data is alike

The ABC works on the principle of informed consent — to make sure that people know what they're agreeing to and know how we store their data.

The team has to collaborate with legal, security and tech to make sure they know how the data moves around the organisation

Data breaches do occur though — so they have to know exactly where and how data is managed.

The issue of accountability doesn't just rest on the security team — it's everybody's topic to think about and be responsible for.

Understanding the UX of User Generated Content and how the different teams felt about the process.

The ABC were struggling with opening dialogues and getting content from people but not connecting back with the people.

The ABC like to design for extreme cases to impact the most amount of people positively.

The team went back and said "we can do better than that"

They needed to explain to the organisation that they needed to look at a relationship solution.

So how did they do it?

They looked for other organisations that have tried to solve this problem as well.

They used @stackla & @Zendesk

Case study: @triplej Requestival — 5 days of music chosen by the public.

Other places they're using zendesk

Prepare yourself with knowledge about how security, privacy & risk affects you?

It is the foundation of trust!

The Australian Privacy Principles have been developing over the years and are the most accessible entry into data and privacy.

When you have the privacy sorted you can get the technology out of the way and the real creativity can happen knowing the data is secure.

When you start to propose solutions that aren't inside the same box people expect people will naturally become worried and often reject them.

It took 4-5 months to coach and help people explore the new vision they were sharing with everyone.

When you're going through your process there are always things within your sphere of influence.

Words matter — they're very loaded.
Never assume knowledge — be clear about what you mean.
Timing is everything — pace and cadence is different outside technology

Makes things to help you change things.

Collaborate with people, show them how you do everything and it will spark curiosity and invite them to work with you.

Build a virtual space to understand each other.

Morals of the story.

— Prepare yourself on security, data and privacy.
— Build upon other parallel worlds.
— Create a space to understand each other

Thanks so much Scott and Petra!!

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