Rohan Irvine Profile picture
Anti-genocide, anti-ethnic cleansing, anti-apartheid, incredibly saddened having to state it. 🇵🇸♥️
Ram K Profile picture べぢまき|UXリサーチャー®️ Profile picture Ruth Ellison Profile picture Carolyn (Curl) Hay ☔️☕️⛳️🌈🔋💡 Profile picture Viveka Profile picture 7 subscribed
Aug 26, 2022 51 tweets 14 min read
Final keynote for @UXAustralia 2022!

Christian Crumlish (@mediajunkie)
— Product Management for UX People

#UXA2022 Christian is joining us from the lands of the Muwekma Ohlone Tribe.
Aug 25, 2022 48 tweets 11 min read
Day 2 @UXAustralia!

This mornings keynote is Tim Yeo (@timyeo)

— Design Leadership for Introverts

#UXA2022 @UXAustralia @timyeo For the last 40 years Tim has been an introvert.

And this is how it's been.

Growing up in Singapore he wouldn't really small talk, out in public he was on his phone, or keeping to himself, you know, like normal people.

When he moved to Australia smalltalk found him everywhere
Aug 25, 2022 33 tweets 11 min read
The closing keynote for Day 1 of #uxaustralia is Corey Tutt OAM (@corey_tutt)

— The inspiration for what is DeadlyScience (@DeadlyScience)

#uxa2022 @corey_tutt @DeadlyScience Corey's presentation may contain images and voices of people who have died.
Aug 25, 2022 20 tweets 7 min read
Our next speaker is Jen Blatz (@jnblatz)

— How Enterprise Software Can be Saved by UX Research and Service Design

#uxa2022 @jnblatz Enterprise software is used to satisfy the needs of an organisation or a company rather than individual users.

What makes enterprise systems interesting is they exist to get a job done.

They'll be in it all day long, can be tied to legacy systems, and can be undelightful
Aug 25, 2022 17 tweets 5 min read
The next speaker is Lydia Penkhert

— Designing for everyone? Voice Interaction in public spaces

#uxa2022 Lydia joins us from Germany where it's currently 2am :D
Aug 24, 2022 33 tweets 12 min read
The keynote today is Professor Lara Penin

— Thinking Design for this Century


#UXA2022 Professor Penin begins with a land acknowledgment for Woi Wurrung, Boon Wurrung and Wurundjeri where the conference is taking place.

Lenape where She lives.

Guarani, Tupi, Kaingang, Terena where she grew up.
Aug 27, 2021 36 tweets 9 min read
Our last speaker for the day is Erin Malone - Principal at Experience Matters Design

Mapping Hate - Deconstructing the Ecosystem

#uxa2021 #uxaustralia Erin will share a project she worked on with @ADL
Aug 27, 2021 28 tweets 7 min read
The next speakers are Scott Burns & Petra Gulicher from the ABC

Rethinking UGC at the ABC

#uxa2021 @UXAustralia UCG = User Generated Content
Aug 27, 2021 19 tweets 7 min read
Our next speaker is @EllenGeraghty

Artificial intelligence and content strategy

#uxa2021 @UXAustralia Can AI help us communicate better in a digital context at work?
Aug 26, 2021 48 tweets 11 min read
Final day of UX Australia!

The last keynote speaker is @Dori_Danthro — Dean of Design at Ontario College of Art and Design University

Decolonizing Design: Six Steps to Transformation
#uxa2021 #uxaustralia Dori begins by acknowledging the original owners of the land
Aug 25, 2021 26 tweets 4 min read
We are in the Q&A for #uxa2021 #uxaustralia Answer from Steven W (about qualifications) Qualification are sometimes/often used to further marginalise people.
Aug 25, 2021 39 tweets 8 min read
Next up is Aaron Cheang & Michelle Pickrell from eHealth NSW

Saving lives and making a difference: How User Experience techniques helped NSW Health rapidly respond to COVID-19

#UXA2021 #uxaustralia Working within healthcare in UX is like a Anablep — it swims at the surface of the water, as it swims it's 4 eyes look above and below the water.

The work within health you usually see above the surface, in UX you get to see what's happening below the surface.
Aug 25, 2021 13 tweets 3 min read
Our next speaker is Josh Thompson, Design Lead at from Publicis Sapient

Design Systems with augmented teams: best practice for connection and alignment

#uxa2021 #uxaustralia Josh will take us through:
Aug 25, 2021 16 tweets 5 min read
Our next speaker is Charlii Parker from @Intopia

The Why, When and How of including people with disability in the design process

#UXA2021 #uxaustralia Why do we need to consider accessibility when designing and creating?

About as motivating as your parents telling you to eat your vegetables.
Aug 24, 2021 18 tweets 3 min read
Our next speaker is Kim Chatterjee - Design Lead at CorDiFio Health

Designing for Dignity

#uxaustralia #uxa2021 Kim has spent the last couple of years working on behaviour change programs.
Aug 24, 2021 51 tweets 9 min read
The keynote for today is Steven Wakabayashi (@wakuu) Founder and Director of Stranger Creative & @QTBIPOCdesign

Design Thinking for Building Equitable Teams

#UXA2021 #uxaustralia QTBIPOC Design offers free and accessible design education to LGBTQ+ designers of color so they can have all the things necessary to enter the design industry.
Mar 19, 2021 17 tweets 4 min read
We're at the last presentation of Design Research 2021!!!!

Ruth Ellison, Director of Digital Squads & co-Lab at the Digital Transformation Agency


Michelle Pickrell, User Insights Lead at eHealth NSW

— A Framework for Creating Actionable Insights

#DR2021 Ruth and Michelle have condensed a half day workshop into this 20 minutes presentation [prepare for a whirlwind!]
Mar 19, 2021 29 tweets 6 min read
Our next speaker is Lucy Denton, Design Lead at @hidovetail

— A Stakeholders Point of View on Engaging in Research

#dr2021 Dovetail is a startup building a tool for researchers and anyone conducting research in organisations.
Mar 19, 2021 42 tweets 8 min read
Next up!

Jess Nichols, Manager User Experience Research at A Cloud Guru

— Creating Impact through the Research Journey

#dr2021 One of the most complicated parts of being a researcher is creating an impact with your work.

It happens early in the research process.
Mar 19, 2021 20 tweets 4 min read
Our next presenter is Saher Zafar, Senior Design Strategist at The iDE Cambodia Innovation Lab

— Designing a National Behaviour Change Campaign for Rural Cambodia

#dr2021 A huge part of design research is emersing yourself in the context and understand people's challenges and needs.
Mar 19, 2021 16 tweets 5 min read
Next presentation!

Kim Chatterjee

— How To Design Your Own “Empathy Walk” (and make your stakeholders live your research findings)

#dr2021 Empathy walk applications