TomTomski🇳🇱🇮🇱🏛️🚜 Profile picture
I was raised as socialist and humanist, today I'm a realist. #TeamThierry #NoAgenda #V4V #vitD #vitK

Aug 27, 2021, 9 tweets

It's all for your health

Remember it's for your health

Remember it's for your protection

"Mam I'll protect you by punching your head"

Citizen is in danger for not wearing a mask, the police dog helps him protect from a virus

#Netherlands cop in citizen outfit sees a woman in danger and throws her against the riot van.
Thank you for caring dear police officer, she's now save from covid 1/2


Kids....they need to learn to wash their hands.
Good thing the police is there to protect and serve

#France has also covid and the police will help you survive

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