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Puntland 💚 #Somalia

Aug 27, 2021, 19 tweets

THREAD: How Farmaajo has used NISA, ENDF, SNA and other militia to silence political opponents and manipulate state elections turning security outfits into personal militia and ultimately destabilizing Somalia

In August 2018, Somalia chief of Intelligence Hassan Osman resigned after continued frustration from Villa Somalia chief of Staff Fahad Yasin. Fahad was awarded his position and Kulane became his deputy. Kulane, Farmaajo's cousin, was a former Substitute teacher in Minnesota.

In Dec 2018, Kulane ensured Lafta-Gareen, Farmaajo’s candidate was selected as President of South West. In Galmudug he installed ‘Qoor-Qoor’, in Hirshabelle Ali Gudlawe was installed. He was later sent to create chaos in Gedo after failing to dislodge Madhobe as JL president.

Kulane has been used to frustrate opposition leaders and linked to the assassination attempts of former presidents, Sharif Sheikh and Hassan Sheikh on the evening of February, 2021. This was the third assassination attempt on hassan sheikh

On 23rd July 2021, Kulane was fired by PM Roble together with Mogadishu Intelligence head after they prevented former Gedo Governor Osman Nur from travelling to Gedo. Fahad Yasin re-appointed Kulane as Political and Security Assistant NISA. This shows who controls government

On 1st August, Kulane landed in Baidoa and ensured Farmaajo sycophants were elected as senate MPs. He orchestrated the removal of vocal anti-Farmaajo Senator Ilyas from the nomination list. As elections get underway expect Kulane to use force for Farmaajo loyalist to be selected

24 July 2019, a female suicide bomber blew herself up inside Mogadishu mayoral office killing 6 people & injuring 9. Mogadishu mayor Yarisow was among the wounded he died afew days later. Ikran Tahlil worked as Chief of staff in the Mayor's office and had details of the blast

Farmaajo through Fahad & Kulane kidnapped, tortured & silenced, Ikran, head of cyber security -NISA. Ikran blew the whistle on the Somali boys in #Tigray & was a loose end to the 24th July blast. NISA officials with access to classified files on elections were threatened & fled

Farmaajo installed his clan as the majority in the Gorgor forces the best-trained in Somalia. The forces include
1500 Marexxan
400 Dhulbahante
250 Biyamal
150 Somali Bantus
130 Rahwein
93 Hawiye
83 Smaller Darod clans
67 Other
Darod are a small clan but are the majority in Gorgor

Aug 2021, Farmaajo restructured military commands which saw 174 officers Majority from the Marexxan clan promoted and posted to head strategic units. Promotions lacked meritocracy and reeked of favoritism along clan lines.

Military Court head Shuute a close ally of Farmaajo warned troops who meddle in the elections will be stripped of Rank & sacked. This is a pre-measure to maliciously target Patriotic soldiers & keep them from disputing election delays or rigging as they did in April in Mogadishu

Violence and misuse of security started In 2018, NN created 2 illegal militia known as Xasilinta & People’s Defense Forces. Their main task was political assassination & Harassment of locals. The force came under fire after AS militants were found wearing their uniform

Members of Somalia parliament raised their frustrations and fears to Joakim Gundel of Danish Institute for International Studies during his visit to #Somalia. Several of them raised concerns that #Somalia leadership ran their own assassination squad

Farmaajo has used General Mahad Adan for Political assassination. Mahad works closely with Farmaajo. Soldiers under his command have conducted several clandestine and high value targeted assassinations in Mogadishu & other parts of Somalia on many occasions in the past 4 years.

In June 2021, the general ordered the failed Assassination attempt on former President Hassan Sheikh Mohammud. The soldiers under his command attacked HSM’s convoy killing one of his body guards and badly damaging his car. HSM narrowly survived.

In December 2018, 26 innocent civilians were massacred by Gen. Mahad’s forces while protesting against the sham election of President Abdiaziz Laftagareen of southwest who was forcefully installed by Farmaajo.

On 11 Aug, Security & Justice Party in SW wrote a letter addressed to the international community decrying continued human rights violations over the last 4 years. 26 innocent civilians have been killed, 33 injured & over 680 detained for opposing the installation of Lafta-Gareen

Reliable sources within NISA have revealed that Farmaajo, Mursal and Fahad Yassin planned & ordered the assassination of key opponents including Mustaf Dhuhulow, Abdullahi Nur and Mahad Salad for opposing Farmaajo’s term extension. The 3 are still under the radar of the assassins

Farmaajo’s chances of winning the election look very dim. In order to secure his re-election Farmaajo will have to use the only weapons he has. One he has used throughout his term, violence. Expect, disappearances & Killings of anyone trying to keep him from stealing the election

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