BILAL SARWARY Profile picture
Thinking about ALL AFGHANS who get up each morning and dont have the option of just walking away from it ALL. Ind Scholar @Middlebury 2010. AFGHAN. Journalist.

Aug 27, 2021, 21 tweets

#AFG Over the last 20 years, I travelled across Afghanistan to every corner of it, and I shared photos under caption of #AFGHANISTANYOUNEVERSEE

A colorful spice shop in Bamian city.

Bagram district, Parwan province two Kuchi sisters in the early years.

Nuristani girls with beautiful smiles - but many are also brides at a very young age.

Tending sheep in Khost, 2003.

Kids on a journey - seen in Jegdalak in Kabul’s Sarobi district on my way to do a story on the ruby mine.

Flying into Kundoz over Baghlan - the view through the cockpit of our Afghan pilots.

A truck full of onions on its way to Pakistan

Shegal in Kunar - stopping at a grave early morning

At the BBC bureau in Kabul in Wazir Akbar Khan covering a complex attack in 2011, when US helicopters would fly over the bureau - sometimes they made it impossible to hear or speak to the camera.

Young shepherds in Helmand.

Covering the Presidential elections in 2004 with the BBC - at the end of a long day with my South Asia bureau chief @pdanahar and colleagues as we realized the indelible ink started to come off. @DhariwalNavdip

Gillan district in Ghazni covering parliamentary elections in 2009, found these guys laughing and lended them my glasses.

2009, On my way from Farkhar in Takhar to Kabul, I was caught in an avalanche and this truck overturned in front of my eyes - but these boys from Northern Salang started to laugh.

An outdoor classroom in Toto, Shirzad district Ningarhar province , 2007.

In Turkmen Dara, way up between Ghorband river valley and Kabul’s Istalif - two sisters

In Ningarhar in a district with the Afghan border forces during an embed.

Catch of the day, Naghlu, Kabul- Jalalabad highway.

Road to Khawak in Panjshir province.

PAGHMAN cherries

Paroon, the capital of Nuristan province deep in eastern Afghanistan. #AFGHANISTANYOUNEVERSEE

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