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'Elite Football' Analysis from a different ๐Ÿ“ via YouTube | Tactical Analyst & Player Scout - DM's open | Football Historian | Ex @WBA coach | Regulatory Lawyer

Aug 28, 2021, 9 tweets

#LIVCHE - ๐“๐š๐œ๐ญ๐ข๐œ๐š๐ฅ ๐“๐ก๐ซ๐ž๐š๐

Key points:

๐Ÿ”ดVVD showed Lukaku's true level
๐Ÿ”ดLiverpool need Origi against low block
๐Ÿ”ดJames = handball but not a red
๐Ÿ”ดHavertz and Mount dangerous first half
๐Ÿ”ดLiverpool fall asleep from corner

CC: @TacticalPad

#LFC #cfc #chelsea


Havertz has always been a major set piece threat from his Leverkusen days, so why he's being marked by Henderson and not a VVD is poor man marking strategy by Liverpool.

He should be the main focus from a corner, not Lukaku.

Havertz and Mount were excellent in the first half and supported Lukaku with interchanging runs, runs in behind and Fabinho struggled to get to grips.

James and Alonso holding the width, allowed Chelsea's CAMs the freedom to wreak havoc centrally and in the half spaces.

James' sending off changed the game. Was it a penalty and a red?

IMO definitely a pen as it denied a goalscoring opportunity but a red for me should be reserved for a deliberate hand ball and this seemed like a harsh double punishment as hit his stomach first before going hand.

Liverpool struggled against the low block as predicted. Look at Jota and how he is surrounded by mountain who have high defensive IQ.

Zero box presence for Liverpool and thus crosses are redundant and Mane/Salah kept running into traffic. Poor tactics by Klopp IMO.

This is another image which reinforces the fact that the full backs were unable to get into these dangerous areas for crossing but even if they did manage to.. any cut backs or crosses were not going to find anyone or cause damage.

For me, bringing on Thiago earlier and Origi alongside a Jota or a Firmino would give Liverpool the chance to put two men into the box for the crosses and a physical presence who draws the attention of Chelsea's centre backs.

Suddenly they have to compete in the air...

As for Chelsea, even withstanding the sending off - this is the type of game where Lukaku proved he is not elite.

Van Dijk played in his slippers and was untested. Lukaku did not have the weapons and just got pocketed.

In big games, he will not be their main goal threat.

3/3 predictions correct in a row. If I was a betting man, I would make sure to follow @pythaginboots ๐Ÿ˜‚but seriously thank you for the ongoing support and listen out for our podcast on Monday.

Our previews come out every Friday 12pm.


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