Rick Petree Profile picture

Aug 28, 2021, 10 tweets

Setting out yesterday for Burgazada, one of the Princes Islands in the Sea of Marmara, here are some of the sights.

Sarayburnu (Topkapi palace on the famous promontory).

Aya Sofia standing in all her glory, just as seafarers have seen her for a thousand years.

A late afternoon small boat regatta off Fenerbahce (Asian side).

The ferry.

Kınalıadı (ferry’s first stop).

A ferry landing at Burgazada (37/day). Photo from the dinner table at waterfront.

Our favorite restaurant. Ask for Erol.

The view from hotel room. You can see how close the city is (in view is Bostancı on Asian side). It’s like having Martha’s Vineyard in NY harbor. Unreal.

My favorite manavcı (green grocer).

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