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BlueGlowAgave 🌻 Profile picture Sue Strong @strong_sue@mastodon.sdf.org 🇺🇦 Profile picture Leslie Jaszczak (Eserafina@nerdculture.de) Profile picture 😷❤️ harris 🇨🇦💙💛🇺🇦🦃 Profile picture Kathryn Profile picture 27 subscribed
Jul 20 6 tweets 1 min read
🧵 The Biden mantra, “building the economy from the middle out and the bottom up,” has borne fruit. It’s real. And it has implications for the distribution of wealth and resources in the country.

joebiden.com/bidens-biparti… The Dem party’s current convulsions are directly related to these policies. Fervent support for Biden is rooted, I believe, in support for these policies and an understanding that Biden is ‘walking the Democratic talk’ like no other POTUS since FDR.
Jul 10 6 tweets 1 min read
🧵As a practical matter, taking campaign finance and ballot access laws and rules into account as well as everything else, I see only two plausible scenarios now:

1. Biden insists on running (for all the right reasons, not ‘ego’ or ‘obstinacy’) and doubters get on board, or 2. Biden stands aside, and annoints Harris. Any thoughts of a different candidate in the top spot are fanciful in my view. People pressuring Biden to withdraw should be ready for and supportive of this scenario. If they’re not, we’ll have chaos and will lose.
Jul 4 7 tweets 1 min read
🧵Brief thoughts on speculation about Biden’s possible ‘cognitive impairment’ (as distinct from stuttering/cluttering etc.): (1) if he is ‘cognitively impaired’ to a degree that affects his job performance, it’s a relevant fact I’d like to know; (2) I haven’t seen or read anything yet that persuades me that that is the case; (3) those in regular contact with him have offered their personal accounts to the contrary and I’d be surprised if they’re lying; and
Jul 1 11 tweets 2 min read
🧵A lot of history will get looked at in a new light after today’s immunity ruling. Interesting, for example, to look at Watergate under the new rubric. 22 henchmen, including the AG, were convicted on charges related to a break-in and coverup authorized and directed by Nixon. When Mitchell, Haldeman, Erlichman, Krogh, Liddy and the rest did time, they at least had the small comfort of knowing that, but for the Ford pardon, their Individual-1 would have been right beside them (Nixon had been indicted by a GJ). “No man above the law.”
Jun 7 21 tweets 5 min read
A D-Day related 🧵on one of my father’s closest friends, Lt. William (“Bill”) Hamilton Shaw, USN. Born to Methodist missionaries in Pyongyang in 1922, Bill finished high school there and spoke native Korean. He was exactly two years older than my father. Image Bill enrolled at Ohio Wesleyan in 1939. When the U.S. entered the war, he enlisted in the Navy and was commissioned. He served as the XO of PT-518 in Operation Overlord. Two weeks after D-Day, Bill (at helm below) piloted Eisenhower on his first cross-Channel visit to Normandy. Image
May 28 6 tweets 2 min read
🧵A pair of my posts earlier today prompted *many* to opine that Judge Cannon must be receiving 'coaching.' Here's background on the rules regarding 'ex parte communications' with federal judges. The Code of Conduct for U.S. Judges, effective Mar. 12, 2019, governs all federal judges other than Supreme Court Justices (a subject for another day !). uscourts.gov/sites/default/…
Mar 31 6 tweets 2 min read
Some thoughts on the Turkish local elections, in which center-left opposition party CHP won sweeping victories nationwide:

1. I doubt repudiation of ‘political Islam’ was a powerful factor outside secular bastions like Izmir (see below). 2. “All politics is local.” These were local elections. People voted for more efficient, less corrupt local administrations and services. AKP’s corruption at local level has seriously damaged them.
Nov 1, 2023 11 tweets 2 min read
Thread. Almost everyone reading this is of a similar political inclination as me. Almost every politically attuned American is, in the same way, in one camp or the other by now. The orientations are firmly fixed, in my view. Yes, there are ‘swing voters’ and ‘undecideds’ who might be determinative in a tight election, but in the main, minds are made up, and have been for a long time.
Oct 26, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read
Thread 🧵Apropos the Lewiston shooting, I see people saying (for the umpteenth time): "Republicans worship guns." Yes, the GOP has consistently opposed gun control, but I think for somewhat different reasons at different times.
Oct 21, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Thread, embedding an @lrozen thread on Tom Friedman's warning against a full-on ground invasion of Gaza (with interesting reporting from behind the scenes of Biden 's visit to Israel). I made similar comments night before last in a podcast with @ZevShalev, noting that something "more like the surgeon's scalpel than a blunderbuss" was needed, at least for now.
Oct 6, 2023 10 tweets 2 min read

Hugh Peyman’s 'America as No. 3: Get Real About China, India and the Rest' is an important book (just out, available on Amazon). Image Peyman draws on a lifetime’s close observation of China: Deputy Business Editor of the Cut; reporter for Far Eastern Economic Review; head of Asian equities research at Merrill Lynch; and founder of an influential Shanghai-based economic consultancy.
Jun 21, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
I think it’s become very clear: Leonard Leo is simply an influence peddler. And, in the market for influence, he’s been skillful in matching buyers and sellers. It’s a simple business, stripped of its ideological camouflage, and he’s made a ton of money at it. In this light, Leo's concerted efforts to handpick Supreme Court Justices and other judges looks less like a conservative 'crusade' than an effort to establish two sides of a market he could exploit.
Jun 19, 2023 4 tweets 1 min read
Some important historical context: the fight against this obscenity was already underway. At the Democratic National Convention in 1948, Sen. Hubert Humphrey led a successful fight to introduce platform planks to roll back Jim Crow. + ‘Dixiecrats’ led by South Carolina’s Strom Thurmond rebelled and walked out. They campaigned as a third party, under the slogan “Segregation Forever !” Southern racists gradually settled into the GOP, and by 1968 were openly courted by Nixon (“Southern strategy”).
Jun 17, 2023 6 tweets 2 min read
Thread. A Watergate snippet found in an old journal of mine. James D. St. Clair, Nixon's impeachment counsel, saying in April 1978 that the Special Prosecutor essentially lucked into the 'smoking gun' tape. Image For any who have trouble with my handwriting, it says in relevant part:

"St. Clair latched onto Tom Herman and me and started talking about Watergate. He said there was "no question," until the 'smoking gun' tape was found, that he would have won the impeachment trial.
Jun 17, 2023 16 tweets 3 min read
Thread. Occasioned by Daniel Ellsberg’s passing, some thoughts about what Americans of my generation have learned about our government. We’d be justified in being cynical but, somehow, most of us are not. Consider the following: In my politically active lifespan, there have been three great demonstrations of our government’s capacity for fundamental, persistent mendacity and lawlessness. Ellsberg was instrumental in exposing the first, with publication of the Pentagon Papers (1971).
May 26, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
@djrothkopf Thanks for the thoughtful thread. I confess to having mistrusted and vehemently opposed HAK on policy grounds since the mid-60s (when he wasn't yet visible to most people). I won't rehearse the 'crimes of Henry Kissinger,' but wd mention two things which have always marked him+ @djrothkopf , for me, as both treacherous and fully prepared to act illegally: (1) his betrayal of Dean Rusk by insinuating himself in secret Paris peace talks while simultaneously (i) assuring everyone on the USG side that he hated Nixon, and +
May 16, 2023 21 tweets 3 min read
THREAD. "Big picture" thoughts on Round 1 of the Turkish elections, by an American with more than 20 years close involvement with Turkey. This is a personal distillation, not a blow by blow account of what happened, or why. It’s an attempt to reckon with reality. I try to take things as they are, not as I wish them to be. I come to some personally discomforting conclusions.
Apr 1, 2023 7 tweets 2 min read
🧵"A good educator is a gift from the Gods" made me think: which of my early teachers was such a gift ? I was lucky throughout, but one stands out: Don Baker, 6th Grade, at Itazuke AFB in Fukuoka, Japan. Single man, invested in his students. Intent on broadening our world. Demanding, and creative. He bought subscriptions to Time magazine for the entire class, set the required reading every week and, without warning (say, in the middle of math), called on people to stand up and report.
Mar 31, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
🧵Trump must be prosecuted wherever and whenever prosecutors and grand juries determine, by normal legal standards, that he committed crimes. He has no special status, and justice requires it. It’s normal and necessary in our legal system, and key to our society's cohesion. Some of the exultant, relieved reaction to today’s indictment reflects, however, a belief that prosecutions and convictions of Trump will ‘break the fever’ and deliver us from our political crisis. They will not. We are beyond that, unfortunately.
Mar 28, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
🧵I'm seeing the usual anti-NRA postings in reaction to another school shooting, bemoaning the control that NRA money has over GOP politicians, thwarting meaningful gun laws. I stipulate: the NRA is very bad and has done untold harm for a long time. But I also note: the NRA is a shadow of its former self, eviscerated by legal action, law suits and internal strife. Its coffers are a fraction of what they were. How much influence are they still buying ?
Mar 5, 2023 5 tweets 1 min read
Turkish Twitter is an oasis in an information desert. Discerning straight facts is very hard amid the media's welter of misinformation, and Twitter is an important forum in the midst of turmoil. Turkish Twitter saddens me, however, by demonstrating the justifiable fear under which the dialogue is conducted.