Manuel L. Quezon III Profile picture
Columnist .@inquirerdotnet Editor at large Views mine.

Aug 29, 2021, 7 tweets

Ahead of #nationalheroesday some links to free publications that provide handy references. A thread.

For #nationalheroesday why not see an event for every day, from our official history? Download the Official Calendar of the Republic!…

For #nationalheroesday why not explore our elections and the trends and developments that affected them, from the earliest times to the present? Download the Philippine Electoral Almanac (Revised and Expanded Edition)!…

For #nationalheroesday why not see our past and present through maps: the first scholarly effort of its kind. Download the Historical Atlas of the Republic!…

For #nationalheroesday this book makes for timely and interesting reading: long reads and capsule think pieces from the Official Gazette online. Download Heroism, Heritage, and Nationhood!…

For #nationalheroes day if you're a legal, historical, political scholar or student, why not explore the most comprehensive documentary history of the presidency from 1899-2016? Explore The Messages of the President series!…

Finallky, if you're any kind of writer, you will find the Styler Guide for the Government relevant and useful!…

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