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Aug 29, 2021, 15 tweets

For the first time in past 7 years, an Indian TV channel has mustered courage to call out #LiesOfRahulGandhi - kudos to @RajatSharmaLive run @indiatvnews for this report on vaccine related lies and propaganda of Rahul & why trusting @narendramodi is better option for Indians!

70% of 1 crores vaccination happened in Rural India and cities and states, irrespective of party in power conducted those vaccinations - but then #LiesOfRahulGandhi against @narendramodi is not something new- refreshing change is approach of media to call out his lies!

On vaccination while @rahulgandhi was busy spreading lies and propaganda that @indiatvnews covered under its #LiesOfRahulGandhi program, Govt of PM @narendramodi was putting in place a regime to administer vaccines to Indians at the earliest. Result is 16 cr doses in few days!

But then #LiesOfRahulGandhi per @indiatvnews is not limited to vaccines alone- he recently started his campaign of propaganda and lies against @narendramodi govt’s ambitious national monetisation plan - point is @rahulgandhi is against everything that Modi thinks is good for Ind!

Terming #LiesOfRahulGandhi as an example of Hit n Run politics of @RahulGandhi , @indiatvnews also gave an example of his opposition to airport privatisation despite the fact that it was UPA Govt’s decision; it further gave ex of his tweet to prove his hate for PM @narendramodi

Story of #LiesOfRahulGandhi won’t be complete without mentioning his anti farmer game on the pro farmer farm laws - sadly media didn’t bother to counter @RahulGandhi’s false & deceitful propaganda on farm laws despite PM @narendramodi talking abt it - but @indiatvnews changes it!

It was heartening to see @indiatvnews mention this belter of all the #LiesOfRahulGandhi - yes this man claiming to be from Cambridge doesn’t even know diff between debt write off by banks and debt waiver - guess what this moron aspires to be a PM!

Best part is that @indiatvnews report on #LiesOfRahulGandhi was NOT limited to farm laws and vaccination but actually it clearly showed @rahulgandhi as a compulsive liar with nothing but hate for @narendramodi -check his slogans that were proven lies - starting his SuitBootSarkar

Or for that matter imagine this man who aspires to be Indian PM actually called a mega tax reform like GST as Gabbar Singh Tax- i really feel that @rahulgandhi needs some serious help to deal with his mental health issues- #LiesOfRahulGandhi

1st reform of @narendramodi was for financial inclusion of all the marginalised people being kept out of Indian financial system for 65 yrs and guess what @RahulGandhi ridiculed that major move as well- today 43 crores Indians receive DBT in their accounts! #LiesOfRahulGandhi

When @narendramodi Govt reduced corporate tax, @rahulgandhi called it a move to help crony capitalists - SERIOUSLY? Good that @indiatvnews took this liar Gandhi to cleaners #LiesOfRahulGandhi

PM @narendramodi launched Ayushmann Bharat scheme to help poor and marginalised get access to quality health care and @RahulGandhi called it a ploy to help few crony capitalists and friends of @narendramodi - @INCIndia tweeted this #LiesOfRahulGandhi

After @narendramodi govt began working on improving India’s #EaseOfDoingBusiness rankings released by WorldBank; it improved from 142 to 63. Guess what @RahulGandhi Gandhi called an inter-governmental agency like @WorldBank a "foreign company". What madness!

After @narendramodi Govt took loan from Shanghai located AIIB- a multilateral bank with 103 members & India as 2nd largest shareholder-to fund PM Garib Kalyan Yojana, @RahulGandhi called AIIB a Chinese bank and called it a sell out by linking it to Galwan - #LiesOfRahulGandhi

Oye @RahulGandhi irrespective of ur hate - u shud remember these golden words of @indiatvnews anchor about how PM @narendramodi replies to lies!

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