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Amanda Rankin Personal opinion #LearnAboutMECFS #PostExertionalMalaise #IatrogenicPEM #OpinionNotEvidenceBased #systemicFailureInHealthcare #IAPTLTCMUS

Aug 29, 2021, 10 tweets

@postersandme What specialist knowledge & approach do dieticians & paediatricians have ? A specialist interest in medically unexplained symptoms behavioural approach 2 CFS ? That patients being referred 2 by NICE guides .What evidence used 4“supportive” CBT by specialist in CBT for MECFS ?

@postersandme NICE #MECFS guide replacement mentions “supportive” CBT does not “assume” people have abnormal beliefs and behaviour as underlying cause (as is the CBT model for specialist CBT for MECFS from a behavioural perspective )

Yet it still retains it …[1/3]

@postersandme @keithgeraghty Yet it still retains the same behavioural BPS mind body perception distress approach and principles of management , to increase activity + reduce disability under guise of well-being and quality of life being: [1/2]

@postersandme @keithgeraghty “recognises that thoughts,
feelings, behaviours and physiology interact with each other
experience of their symptoms and the challenges these present.” [2/2]

@postersandme @keithgeraghty And aiming & claiming it increases physical function/reduces disability .

“Aims to improve functioning” ,
With improved and reduced function relationship to distress

“risks and benefits of adapting to the impact of symptoms
#pacetrial predominate evidence 4 IAPT expansion

@postersandme @keithgeraghty “ exploring their personal meaning of symptoms and illness and how this might relate to how they manage their symptoms”

Adapting their sleep activity and rest to improve functioning

@postersandme @keithgeraghty Pace of CBT to increase functioning to include longer term goal for Severe patients

@postersandme @keithgeraghty CBT to increase activity and work toward goals

@postersandme @keithgeraghty Delivered by someone with expertise in CBT for #MECFS

#PaceTrial is included in training of high intensity therapists delivering specialist CBT for #MECFS in IAPT expansion to long term conditions and medically unexplained symptoms which is is predominant evidence for

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