Rick Petree Profile picture

Aug 29, 2021, 5 tweets

More photos from Burgazada in the Princes Islands (Sea of Marmarma, Istanbul). First, some scenes from a morning walk.

Typical island architecture. These are mostly summer residences (May thru November), but many come at the weekend year round (only 45 minutes from central Istanbul). Stunning sea views, in most cases.

Greek Orthodox church of St. John the Baptist (right side photo), and the adjacent building which was the Greek community’s school (now apartments). There is still a remnant of this once prominent local community.

The village’s waterfront ‘restaurant row,’ where everyone greets their friends in the evening. Local boys going for a swim. Last rays of sun looking toward Heybeliada.

The best (and only) European style coffee house on the island. A young visitor gets the hang of the local conveyances: only small electric vehicles permitted on the island (we had horse drawn ‘phaetons’ till 2 years ago).

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